I felt my heart literally break by this

Babe?? Are they together??

All these thoughts clouded my mind.

"Earth to Gia!", I hear Gabriel's voice suddenly.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at Gabriel.


"Are you cool?", He asks with confusion on his face.

"Yes my bad I got distracted", I respond.

He gave me a "I-don't-believe-you-look".

I just ignored him as the bell rang for us to start heading to our 5th period class.


"Remember don't forget to do your homework kids", Mrs. Chavez reminds the class as the bell rings.

I got my stuff into my back pack and got up from my desk exiting the room.

One more class and we out of this hell

"Hey bitch!", a squeaky voice yells.

I looked up searching for this voice.

My eyes landed on of course the devil herself Ana.

She was sending an evil glare my way.

"Are you talking to me?", I raise a brow.

"What the fuck do you think?!", She replies walking closer towards me.

"If you know what's good for you... You'll walk away right now!", I grit my teeth at her clenching my fists.

I can already feel people forming a circle around us.

"Are you jealous that I have Eli now? Did you know he asked me to be his girlfriend?", Ana smirks while staring at her fake ass nails.

My heart drops to my stomach suddenly feeling nauseous.

Nothing came out of my mouth.

"Cat got your tongue?", Ana kept provoking me.

"Last night was amazing with him", she chuckles.

That's it!

Feeling anger take over me seeing RED!!

I tackled her to the ground.

She quickly grabbed my hair pulling down while her other fist kept hitting the side of my face.

I was swinging both of my fists at her face.

I then got up detaching myself from her grip on my hair and kneed her to the face.

Blood starting bursting out of her nose.

I then started kicking her on her stomach as I bent over grabbing her by the hair remembering how she pulled mine earlier.

My right fist connected to her face over and over again.

I heard multiple familiar voices calling my name to stop.

The people surrounding us were chanting us on mostly chanting me on to fuck Ana up.

Which I gladly continued to do.

Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around my waist trying to pull me off of Ana.

I grabbed onto her hair still punching her with my right fist while I felt both of my feet fly in the air.

I quickly looked over at who was grabbing Ana since I felt both the both of us up in the air while the only thing that kept us attached was us holding onto each other's hair.

I saw Jesiah pulling Ana away from me as Lulu had a scared face expression on her face next to him.

I looked away from them focusing on Ana who had blood all over her face by this time.

I was not done with her yet.

I gave her a last blow to her face while still gripping onto her hair.

She did the same except she wasn't punching back no more.

I felt my right arm being tucked under the person's arm who was holding onto me.

I tried to break my arm free, but I couldn't.

Suddenly someone's large hand grabs mine and Ana's hand trying to break our grips of each other's hair.

It took a while for this person to break us apart since we were both not budging.

We finally got broken up

"DAAMN! ANA YOU GOT FUCKED UP!", Someone from the crowd yells.

Jesiah was grabbing Ana

Ana was so angry with blood dripping down her face looking at me.

I was trying to break free to go tackle her down again.

"STOP! THAT'S ENOUGH!", Lulu yells at me coming towards me.

I looked at her then glanced over to Ana again giving her my most evil stare I possibly can.

"THIS BITCH STARTED IT!", I hiss at Lulu.

"STOP GIA!", I heard a deep familiar voice growl near my ear.

This voice was coming from the person who had his strong arms wrapped around me holding me back.

I froze at this familiar voice.

I looked down onto this person's very muscular arms.

These muscular arms were light tan,  I slowly scanned up following his arm up to his shoulder.

I recognized his half sleeve tattoo on his right arm.

I swallowed down hard as I looked up until seeing his face looking down at me.


My Bad Girl WaysWhere stories live. Discover now