Obi X Reader (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)

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A/N: Requested by @_Mikoto__Awasami_ . I, for one, am OBSESSED with Obi. Love him <3 :3 hope you enjoy~!

"Obi...!" you growled with slight anger. He had taken your ID that let you into the castle so you were desperately trying to get it back. At the moment Obi was probably hiding in one of the many trees that surrounded you, trying not to giggle at your reactions. You and Obi had been mutual friends for a while now. Mutual because before you even bothered trying to get close to him, you both hated each other. However, by demands from Prince Zen, you were forced to at least try and become friends with this cat-eyed weirdo. You still annoyed each other every now and then, though.

Like that one time when you stole Obi's favorite dagger that just happened to be lying in the middle of his room one day. His reaction was priceless that day! you thought to yourself as you recalled the events of that day. He practically begged Zen to let him have some sort of search party to look for his beloved dagger. When they finally found it, it was on the roof of the castle on the bench with a note next to it that read 'Surprise! You finally found your precious dagger, crybaby. Guess who~ Yours truly, (F/n).'

I guess you could say that this was Obi's way of getting you back. You giggled to yourself just from the thought of that time but quickly brought yourself back to the matter at hand.

"Obi! This isn't funny! Give my stupid ID back already." you called out to the trees. Suddenly, a knife went flying just past your face and hit the tree in front of you. You walked over to it and saw that there was a piece of paper on it that said 'If it's really stupid, you wouldn't mind me holding onto it, would you?' you clenched your fists when you finished reading and sharply turned your head around to the tree behind you. It had to have come from there. It just had to.

You ran over to the tree and started climbing. When you got to the top, Obi was nowhere to be seen. Eh? you thought to yourself before suddenly being trapped in what appeared to be a rope web.

"OBI!" you screamed when you realized all the rope surrounding you. You heard sinister laughter and footsteps start to approach you.

"Well that was heck of a lot of fun, don't you think, (F/n)?" Obi asked, twirling your ID that was really just a type of gem around his fingers in amusement.

You grit your teeth, "Obi..." you growled. He gave you a cheeky smile and threw your ID through one of the holes in the ropes and was about to walk away when you stopped him. "Hey! Aren't you gonna get me out of these ropes first?!" you shouted at him.

He turned back to look at you, "You just wanted your ID, right? There ya go. Have fun!" he waved before walking again. You groaned and closed your eyes in frustration. You heard some footsteps making their way to you.

You sighed, "Obi, I get it, you're obviously-" you were cut off by the sudden feeling of his lips on yours. You were so puzzled, so you just sat there wide-eyed. When he pulled away, you asked, "Why?" he genuinely smiled at you then.

"To tease you." you furrowed your brows when suddenly you fell to the ground with an oomph. He reached down and took your ID again. "I'll be holding on to that for a little longer," he said cheerily before racing off again.

You struggled angrily to get out of the tangled ropes around you to chase Obi down. "OBI!!!!!!!!!" you screamed out at him, but all you could hear was his laughter that grew farther and farther away.

A/N: Aaaaaaaand DONE! Not the first time I've said that. LET'S GET TO WORK ON THE REST OF THE DRAFTS! MUST... FINISH... REQUESTS! See ya! :3

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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