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Hey guys! Just wanna make a quick announcement!

My friend and I made a collab account!

So far we only have one book out but it's just author's notes for other books we'll publish so they won't get in the way of your reading experience or don't take up two whole pages (you're. WELCOME.) So anyway, not asking you guys to follow it or anything, just to go and check it out! It's called Keyblade_Girlz . If you think of a better username btw, please do tell us, we wanna try to make it cooler. We will be publishing books (obviously!) and I'll tell you about them when we have them up! That being said, I hope you enjoy the future updates in both accounts.

Speaking of my friend... Do you like Assassination Classroom? Do you have a big fat anime crush on Akabane Karma? Well then! You're in luck! My friend happens to have a book out specifically entitled Akabane Karma x Reader! Just head over to ParinitaManikandan 's profile and you'll find it there! It's called 'Good or Bad Karma'. I honestly believe it's good so far for her first x Reader, and I hope you enjoy it too!

I also have a new book up!! If you like zodiac signs and Kingdom Hearts, well, I made a book specifically for that! I just didn't find any zodiac signs books with Kingdom Hearts related stuff so... Yea! It just has like the zodiacs as characters, as the different video games in Kingdom Hearts, different keyblades, etc. go check it out!

Also, thanks for the 1k votes! I can't believe I made it so far!

Dat's about it! See ya next time!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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