William X Reader (Kekkai Sensen)

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A/N: I was tempted to put Black X Reader but I'll just go with actual names. I might have a Mary X Male Reader after this. Requested by @piasenpai . Enjoy!

"Black?" you asked through the crowd of people, trying to catch up to him. "Black!" you called out. Whether he ignored you or he didn't he hear you, he kept walking farther and farther away from you. You swerved through all the people in attempt to catch up with him. At one point you bumped into someone and you quickly apologized then kept running on, but at this point you lost him. So you stood, panting heavily and searching around you to look for him. Why is he ignoring me? you thought to yourself. You were still panting when you sat down in the middle of the sidewalk. You shouted in frustration right there...

...And you woke up.

You slowly sat up and blinked your sleep away, then came back to the painful reality that William was no longer by your side. When it came to people you loved most, it took you a lot longer to forget about him. It was already about five months, and although you were getting on just fine on your own, you didn't feel that way. You got out of bed and made your way downstairs to eat breakfast. You were just about to set the table when you heard the doorbell ring. Even though you felt embarrassed to answer the door with messy hair, you decided that they should know it was pretty early in the morning and that people were just waking up. As soon as you opened the door you didn't know what was going on.

As soon as you opened the door you didn't understand how this was happening.

And as soon as you opened the door you wanted to immediately ask why William was standing at your door.

Your eyes widened in shock as Black spoke, "I'm sorry." but you didn't want an apology, you wanted an explanation, you wanted to know why he had left in the first place.

"Where've you been?" you barely managed to force out as you made sure he didn't see the tears creeping into your eyes. That sadness melted into anger as you looked up at him, absolute fury on your face, and you pushed him further away from you, "Why didn't you say anything?! YOU IDIOT!" you screamed at him, your tears splattering on the floor. You didn't care what he thought about you, you just suddenly wanted him to leave, to disappear from your sight. Instead, his arms wrapped around you as he pulled you into a hug.

"I'm sorry." he repeated. "I left because I thought I would hurt you if I stayed any longer. You must know by now, right? That there's something going on with me?" he asked you, and you knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Doesn't give you an excuse to run away." you croaked.

"I know," he said softly, "and I'm not going anywhere again."

A/N: I'M SORRY! I WANT TO GET THESE DONE BEFORE HALLOWEEN! Anyway, Brackuuuu! Man I am a TERRIBLE person. So, I'll be going now, see ya later!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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