Izana X Reader (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)

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A/N: Fudging hate Izanaaaaa... But oh well, what reader-sama wants, reader-sama gets. Speaking of which... requested by sama1314 . Hope you enjoy!

"What. Just happened?" you asked, surprised shocked and confused at the same time. Izana had just pinned you to a wall and started making out with you when you interrupted him.

"I like you. A lot. And I'm about to show you that I do." he was about to lean in for another make out session until you stopped him.

"Um. I don't think so. If you like me just because you think I'm hot or something, forget it. Not interested in a guy who only likes looks." you said, pushing him off.

"What if I take you out for dinner and get to know you?" he asked helplessly.

"How about, no. I'm just going to avoid you." you said. "Excuse me." you said as you walked out the door.

He started trying to take you on a date, but you ignored him every time. One day you got a note that was said to be from the second prince - Zen - of Clarines to meet him in his office. When you entered his office, you saw not zen but Izana waiting for you.

"Um... What is this?" you asked in confusion.

"My idea of a date, since you ignored my every other request." Izana explained. "Also, the door's locked now so don't bother trying to get out." he added.

"Well played." you admitted. "So, you've got my attention, now what?"

You talked with Izana for a while and he didn't seem like such a bad guy, that maybe you just misread him a bit. He actually seemed liek your type as you got to know him; he was strong no matter what came his way. It was late at night when you had to leave

"Oh my gosh, I'm late!" you jumped.

"For what?" Izana asked.

"I have to go undercover outside the castle. You have no idea what criminals are up to nowadays." you told him.

"Right, well," he unlocked and opened the door to let the both of you pass, "tonight was nice." he said with a smile.

"Yeah." you agreed with the same smile. Izana gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight." he said quietly. You walked away a little bit and once you were about to open the gate, you looked up where Izana was and waved, "Goodnight!"

A/N: MY PRANK IS NEAR! Mwahahahahaha... I wonder if it will damaged the fangirl hearts...? I just hope I don't die, that's all. Anyway, I'll see ya later! ON APRIL FOOLS.

I feel like I'm gonna break a lot of fangirls spirits... I might not tho.

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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