Teen Gohan X Reader X Future Trunks (Birthday Special FINALE)

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A/N: IT'S HERE!!!!!! YAY!!! I AM SO HAPPY I JUST- YAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!! *Clears throat* I do that way to much, the clearing of the throat... But anyway! Yas! I will make this the BEST love triangle I have EVER WRITTEN! Without further ado, here we go! Enjoy! *DBZA: TRUNKS IS FROM THE FUTUREEE!!!*

You had a mini crush on Gohan, but you were older than him by three years. But then again... Age was just a number, right? In every single law of love age never mattered anyway. Although, you did like a certain person named Trunks, the problem was, he was from the future. You didn't know who to go with, they both acted all flirty around you anyway. You took a deep breath.

"If I choose Trunks, I'll end up having to go to the future with him, won't I?" You spoke to yourself. "And if I choose Gohan, I can stay in the universe where all my friends are alive..." You said, resting your head on the table. "The future seems much more adventrous though..." You said, deep in thought. You checked your phone: three unread messages, all from... Gohan. You read them:

Can you meet me at the park real quick?
I'll be here. :)

You smiled and texted back:

Sure! I'll be right there!
See ya there!

Without hesitation, you took your earphones and phone and went off to the park, you quickly called out to your mom.

"Mom! I'm going to the park to meet a friend of mine! I'll be back in a bit!" You called. You didn't realise she was vacuming and didn't hear a word you said, before you left the house, your mom turned off the vacum and shouted.

"What was that sweetie?!" You went back inside the house to tell her once more.

"I'm going to the park to meet with a friend of mine, I'll be back in a little." You rephrased. Your mom sighed.

"Always you and your boy problems..." She said, making you blush a bit. She chuckled and added, "well go on, you wouldn't want to miss your date with Gohan." She said, lifting an eyebrow. You blushed even more, letting your mom know she had won. You ran out of the house.

"Bye mom!" You said in frustration.

"Bye sweetie!" She called out. You rolled your eyes one time on the way there. Troublesome mom, you thought to yourself.

Once you made it to the park, you paused your music and found Gohan sitting on a bench table.

"Gohan!" You called. He turned around to see you and he waved. You waved back and run up to him to sit next to him. "I'm here now!" You told him. He smiled at you.

"I can see that!" He said joyfully. He suddenly went a bit serious and just looked ahead.

"What's wrong?" You asked, worringly. He looked back at you and nodded... Then back ahead. You sighed.

"The things is... I've kind of... How do I say this? Started to like you..." He said hestitately. " And I get it if you don't feel the same..." He said sadly.

Gohan Ending

You smiled and took his hand in yours.

"Just because I'm older? Please! You defeated Earth's strongest threat! You're a hero!" You encouraged. He smiled at you. "You're practically the one who acts older than me. So we're even." You added. You kissed his cheek.

"Yeah, I guess we're even." He said calmly. Since you were about the same height as him, you rested your head on his shoulder, admiring the park.

Trunks Ending

You hated to reject his feelings, you just thought of Trunks more than Gohan. You lowered your head sadly.

"Gohan, here's the thing... I just kind of started liking Trunks more..." You said seriously. "Not that I never liked you, I just kind of think of Trunks more now..." You added. Gohan nodded sadly then suddenly became shocked.

"But... Trunks is from the future!" He exclaimed, reading your face, he knew what was going on, "your going to go to the future with him, aren't you?" He calmed down. You nodded in agreement, then took his hand in yours.

"Could you do me a favor? Could you tell everyone about this? I won't be able to do it myself now." You said, tears filling up in your eyes. It was hard to leave everyone. Gohan smiled and nodded. You smiled and kissed his forehead. With that, you walked away, leaving Gohan and all your friends, going to Trunks' way.

You made it in time, Trunks was barely going back to the future in his time machine.

"Trunks!" You shouted. You kept calling his name until he noticed your voice.

"(F/n)? What are you-" You cut him off.

"I want to go to the future with you!" You said quickly. You two started agruing until he gave up.

"Fine. You win... But why do you want to come to the future with me so badly?" He asked. You smiled and said, "because I love you." He blushed at your words, you kissed him until you were both transported to the future.

A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! OMG I AM JUST. JUST SO HAPPY REALLY! You guys, are awesome. Really. 2K reads? That's just AWESOMENESS CAUSED BY YOU!!! I love you guys, and hopefully Kekkai Sensen goes up today!! ):< I'm waiting FUNimation... But yeah, I hope you enjoyed my Birthday Special FINALE! Keep requesting! I love your requests! Anyway, that's all for now. See ya later!

Love ya'll!


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