Yoichi X Reader X Yuichiro (Birthday Special pt. 1)

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A/N: LOVE TRIANGLES STARTING NOW!!! My birthday's in two days now! (August 29th) And here ya go! I decided I'll make love triangles from animes requested so far (excluding Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Sorry... :( )My gift for you ^////^ (oh the irony). Here you go! Enjoy!

You couldn't take their constant fighting anymore... Not that Yoichi fought back anyway. You just wanted the two to drop the crush on you so you could all get along. You were sitting at the edge of your bed with your knees tucked to your chest and your face buried in.

"I always thought having two guys fight for me would be cool, but it's been taken to far..." You groaned. There was a knock on your door. You got up and went to answer it. You opened the door and saw Yoichi holding your favorite flower and some chocolate. You blushed at the sight.

"Hi (F/n)-san!" He said with a smile. Oh great. You said in your head, not the least bit surprised. "I picked this flower today and thought of you! And I also know how you love chocolate!" He said. I'll take that chocolate, any day. You thought to yourself. "Also, I was wondering..." He hesitated and blushed, "could we go out today?" He asked shyly. This was a surprise to you. You hestitately took the flower and chocolate and thought it over. As long as Yuu didn't interrupt your date, (as you thought of it) you should be fine.

"Okay! Where do I meet you?" You asked.

"Actually I thought of going for a walk, I'll pick you up in two hours!" He said excitedly, running off to get ready. You smiled and rolled your eyes, you were about to close your door until Yuichiro burst into your room.

"Yoichi? Really?!" He said in a frustrating tone. You already knew what to expect.

"Yeah, chocolates and everything. Jealous?" You asked.

"So does that mean your choosing him? Him over me, that is." He asked you.

"Um, now I have to decide? Really?"

"Yeah! Yeah you do!"

"What if I decide neither of you?" You asked.

"You have to so we can go at rest already." He stated. You bit your lip. You had to admit, he was kind of hot. But Yoichi was so nice...

"You know what? I'll think it through!" You said happily, going to meet with Shinoa at the cafeteria. You thought it over on your way there, after what happened with Yuu and the whole incident on the battlefield, you wanted to know what was going on. What had Guren done to him? You met up with Shinoa and sat down with her. "Guess." You blurted out. Shinoa grinned and knew what the problem was.

"They're fighting over you again, aren't they?" She sighed.

"And this time I have to choose!" You added. You slammed your tray on the table in frustration, "Shinoa, what do I do?" You asked desperately. Shinoa shrugged.

"Love Doctor Shinoa doesn't always have all the answers! You always have your own decisions to make by yourself." She said simply. You narrowed your eyes. Bull, you thought to yourself. "In these cases I would say, follow your heart, you'll find your way." She said, leaving the table.


You were ready to go with Yoichi, see if you finally made your decision on the date. When Yoichi picked you up, you could've sworn you were sweating. You ended up having a good time, you talked and laughed about events, some were serious and some were nice. (A/N: I'm gonna start putting certain endings here)

Yoichi Ending

You decided that he was the one. You wanted to be with Yoichi, you shared so many things with him, Yuichiro... Not exactly. You smiled at Yoichi and spoke.

"You know Yoichi, I really like you, more than a friend!" You said, blushing a tiny bit.

"Really? So, um..." He hesitated, "do you think you could be my girlfriend?" He asked, blushing to the maximum.

"Yeah!" You said, kissing his cheek and running off.

Yuichiro Ending

After the date, you decided that Yoichi wasn't the one, you had common interests, but you didn't think you would have a strong relationship. Yuichiro just seemed a better fit for you. You found him standing outside your room with the flower Yoichi gave to you earlier. He noticed you and looked at you with no expression.

"For you." He said, holding the flower out to you. You chuckled.

"Don't go stealing someone else's things, Yuichiro Hyakuya..." You said, taking the flower and getting closer to him. He blushed at your actions but looked away.

"So... Did you decide already?" He asked. You nodded. "Who?"

"You." With that, you kissed him.

A/N: AWWWWW <3 I forgot to mention this is also for the mileston of 2K reads!!! Thank you I love you all! <3 <3 Also I hope you enjoyed! This is going into parts (as you have seen) and the final is being released ON my birthday.

Who needs boys when we have anime? AM I RIGHT GIRLS?! *Clears throat* yeah... Anyway! Keep requesting, I try my best on every single one of them! See ya then!

Love ya'll!


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