You Guys Are Incredible...

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3.04K reads got me at the eleventh story this morning. You guys are just... You're just amazing. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Seriously, these milestones come so quickly it's just awesome! I love you guys so so much! Just reminding you that you are all incredible, and if you feel like you can't do anything, you might find that something you can do that not even your friends can do better than you! It could be gaming, programing, animating (my specialty right now)... And if none of those fits you, it's probably fangirling, which, in my case, I can probably do better than anyone in the country I live in! Don't forget, you can take risks in the future when you're out of the household and into the world! You can go bungee jumping! Skydiving! Anything! Just, no terrorism. You can be a free person when that day comes. Gah! Sorry, I'm just suddenly blabbing about things not related to this book :P . Now, something that IS related to this book... Thoroughly disappointed. Why? Well, you can guess. Remember Kekkai Sensen? Remember episode twelve that was supposedly supposed to come out late August? Well...


I'm trying my very BEST not to be mad, because I know it must take a long time to animate all of it, get the drawings right, especially since it's going to be over THIRTY MINUTES! But they're making the fanbase wait for a while now, I mean, c'mon! Us helpless fangirls just know that SOMEHOW Leo x Mary (White) IS GOING TO HAPPEN! One way or another, it better. Because if not, I'm gonna stab every single thing in my room... Except for my cat... He's too cute :3 . Okay, maybe I went too extreme, all I'm really hoping for is that they release the last episode soon, a lot of birthdays are coming out this month... Okay, three... Two of my friend's birthday and my cat's birthday... My cat's turning nine this year if you're wondering... Also another thing!

Akagami no Shirayuki hime episodes 8 and 9 (Spoilers to those who haven't watched it)... So... Gosh damn deep!!! Watching episode nine with Mitsuhide talking to Zen in a flashback I'm yelling: SOMEONE GIVE THIS GUY A MEDAL, HE DESERVES THAT MEDAL! And Zen's just crying, and I'm crying and then I feel like the whole world is crying! I cannot. I'm still waiting for the Shirayuki x Zen kissy kiss to happen! And Owari no Seraph stuff! The countdown has gone to two more months for the next season! Also kinda excited for Tokyo Ghoul Jack in winter... What kind of secrets will it reveal? Can't wait to find out!

This turned From 'You guys are incredible' to 'Anime News Weekly'... NEW SEGMENT! STAY TUNED! Lol :P anyway, see you guys around and hope you have a nce day/night!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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