Edward X Ice Alchemist Reader (FullMetal Alchemist)

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A/N: Requested by CodilynLunn . I'm sorry for the lack of updates and late requests •~• too much school and stress fam. Anywho, enjoy!

You kept running with all your might trying to get away from the two alchemists chasing you. Who the hell are these guys, anyway? you thought to yourself as the people chasing you were a midget and a giant piece of armor.

You thought fast and quickly made two alchemy circles in the positions where you predicted they would run to and ran a few paces back. You watched closely as they ran nearer and nearer to your trap before finally clapping both of your hands together and hitting the floor with them, causing ice to shoot up from the ground and freeze the two alchemists in place.

"Finally! You've stopped chasing me!" you said out of breath. The two started back at you, clearly dumbfounded and what just happened. "Geez, I don't even know who you guys are, yet you start chasing a helpless girl like me." you added with a fake innocent expression, which soon turned into one of mild anger, "Who are you and why are you following me around?" you asked finally. The midget was first to speak.

"Listen, in case you haven't noticed, I'm a State Alchemist. I was ordered to hunt you down." he explained honestly. The giant armor's head turned to look at him.


"Only... seeing as though you're actually quite approachable... I'll let it slide, whaddaya say?" the midget smiled.

"You are...?" you asked. The midget seemed to deflate.

"Edward Elric's the name. I believe you are (F/n) (L/n), yes?"

You looked at him a bit skeptically, "Um, sure... How do you know that, exactly?" you questioned.

Edward gave you a wide grin, "State Alchemist stuff."

"So then," you sighed, "what do you want?" you added.

"Well, see, I was told by anonymous resources that you had some history with some specific markings..." he started, you saw his mouth moving, but you couldn't hear him after that. You were too busy witnessing flashbacks from what ice alchemists like yourself went through. You shook your head and focused back to reality.

"Look, I'm gonna have to stop you there. I don't think you know, but those anonymous resources you mentioned are false. I'm sorry I..." you paused, "I have... something to attend to, see ya..." you were in a daze and just went in the opposite direction where Edward and the guy in armor stood. You just continued to walked until you were stopped.

"Now wait a sec! What exactly happened?" It was Edward who was suddenly walking next to you.

"They were innocent people..." you said without looking at him. "It was all because of me... because I was so reckless." Finally, you looked at him, "We had a small tribe, before we all became alchemists. One day some friends of mine and I went out to explore... we found some sort of communication machine but- but we didn't know what it was! Me always being the adventurous type, I pushed a button on it and... next thing I knew there were ships coming to our village and just destroyed it." Tears started welling up, "And they just- they forced everyone on those ships and-" all of a sudden tears were streaming down your face and Edward had pulled you into a hug.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I brought it up," he said apologetically. Your now shaky hands managed to hug him back as you cried into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for causing a scene," you mustered.

That's how it went when you first met him. It was really strange, getting to know him and all. You found out that he actually doesn't like being called short, and a lot about his past. You found out that you had more in common than you thought, and that's actually what got you two to start dating.

One day, you went to Edward's house back in Resembool, where you were immediately toppled over by a giant looking dog.

"This is Den," Edward said as he laughed at the situation you were in. "This is his way of saying hello," he added.

You giggled as Den licked your face, "He's cute." Eventually, Den got off you and Ed helped you up. You suddenly felt nervous when you were in front of the house. "Do you think they'll be okay with me over?" you asked.

He slung his arm across your shoulder, "You'll be fine! Trust me." And you did. He opened the door for both of you and you walked in.

A/N: DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE *dabs dabs dabs* okay I'll stop XD

I think I've gotten rusty... I haven't done one-shots in quite some time to I apologize ;-; please forgive.

Anyway, I have to go now, see ya!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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