DEAD Anime X Reader (Halloween Special!)

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A/N: Aahahahah... AHAHAHAAHAHA! Bet you didn't see THAT one coming, now did ya? These anime characters are going to be dead... And also you're in an alternate universe. THAT'S RIGHT! THIS ONE-SHOT'Z AN AU! Mwahahahahaha!!! Also, after this, Death Note is going to be a thing.

You don't really know how it began, you just turned on your computer, looked at some of your favorite anime then ZAP! You were in a mysterious environment you weren't quite familiar with. Everything was dark, with mysterious, curled up trees.

"Hello?" you called out to the emptiness, you didn't like feeling alone, almost no one does. You looked around you once more; these weird trees surrounded you and left a wide, circular empty space around you. Suddenly, you saw nine shadowy figure starting to approch you, one rode a horse. Your panic was rising as you thought you were going die here, in a deserted place with no one to witness. As the figures grew closer, you were able to make out their facial features, they were all men except for two girls, three guys had black hair, three others had swords with one of them riding the horse, another guy had orange hair, one girl had blue hair and the other had black hair, and the shorter guy had redish-brownish hair with closed eyes. You recognized them immediately as some of your favorite anime characters. "Yuichiro, Sasuke, Levi, Akame, future Trunks, Zen, Usui, Touka, and Leo!" you named them all as you grew surprised this time to see them all here.

"She seems to know who we are." Zen told the group, stopping in front of you which made everyone else stop. "What's your name?" Zen asked you.

"Um... (F/n). (F/n) (L/n)." you answered hesitantly.

"Origin?" Usui asked.

"Uh, (Country.)" you replied.


"Uhm... What?" you asked, totally surprised by the question.

"Well, you came from sort of anime, right?" Akame asked you.

"Uh, no. I just ended up here when I turned on my computer... Speaking of which, where AM I?" you asked, growing scared.

"You're pretty much in the middle of nowhere." Touka explained, "Or, what I should be saying is you're somewhere, just nowhere at the same time because, well, many anime have been transported here, right now this is our group." she finished, she started scanning you up and down. "I'm guessing you're an anime fan then?" she asked. You nodded your head, half excited.

"Yep! And by the way, Touka, you are a TOTAL BADASS!" you exclaimed. Touka bowed her thanks. "So, what's going on? Am I just stuck here now?" you asked.

"You're not going to like this," Leo began, "but all of the anime characters that have died have come back to life." he finished grimly.

Your face brightened, "That should be a good thing though, right?" you said with excitement. I mean, imagine all your favorite anime characters coming back to life! That would be awesome!

"That's not what he meant." Sasuke cut in, "He means they came back to life, but they're all zombies now and we have to get rid of them." your face darkened, "So now we have to kill them all? Again? But- but...!" you said, not believing your ears.

"The sooner we get rid of them, the sooner you go back." future Trunks mentioned. You then sat on the ground.

"Then I don't want to go back!" you shouted. Everyone yelled at you in disbelief. They would never understand that you would never leave if you just met your favorite anime characters in real life! But then you started thinking about your family, what would they think with you gone? You knew they would worry about you and set a bunch of cops out just to look for a girl who was actually with anime characters. You sighed, "Fine! I'll help you guys..." you said sadly at the thought of killing those anime characters again. "But I do want to get to know you guys. I want to become your friend!" you added.

"Well you're already my friend, that's for sure." Touka said smiling at you. You smiled back at her then stood back up.

"Well guys, lead the way." you said gesturing for a road ahead of you.

You got to talk to Touka, Leo, Akame, Trunks and Yuichiro for a while, the others were either too serious or too fixed on the road. After a while you guys came to a stop. You started to panic as the ground started to shake. You saw everyone get their weapons ready for an attack. You got ready in a fighting stance. Spots from the ground parted as - how the team had said - zombies jumped out of the ground. You recognized them all as characters from Akame ga Kill, Death Note and Naruto. Everyone but you sprung into action and took almost all of them out. The only one that remained was L's zombie, and he was coming after you! You stared at him for a while, unsure what to do. Then when you only identified him as a zombie, you started kicking him at random.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!" you screamed until you suddenly felt his skin fade away. You looked at your foot to see no one there anymore. "Oh crap." you said sadly, "I just killed L! Wait, I killed a zombie guys!" you exclaimed happily. Everyone looked at you, obviously impressed.

"Don't let your guard down." Zen said, "There's still more coming our way." you trusted him words and got ready to fight again. As expected, more zombies came up from the ground. This time they were characters from FullMetal Alchemist, Attack on Titan and DragonBall Z.

"Aw man, it just had to be DragonBall Z!" you whined. You ignored the DragonBall Z characters and finished off Lust from FullMetal Alchemist, then charged towards Cell which was harder since Cell was still powerful and smart. When he saw you running towards him, he took hold of your fist. When you used your second attempt to kick him, he took ahold of your leg. You felt trapped and unbalanced. You tried to wriggle free, but he wouldn't budge. You rose into a panic since you didn't know what to do. Only seconds passed when Akame came to your rescue, chopping of both of Cell's arms, then killing him herself. You removed Cell's hands from your arm and leg and watched, purely amazed as Akame removed the blood from her sword. Skilled as ever, you thought to yourself.

"You okay?" Akame asked you. You nodded and turned back at the rest of the team.

"So, I guess this is it." you said weakly. You were actually really sad to leave them behind. Tears starting welling up in your eyes. "I guess... this is it..." you said, hiding your face. "I'll really miss you guys." you said, the tears streaming down your face.

The last thing you felt were the arms of the team hugging you as you transported back to the real world. You woke up on your desk. Your computer was still on, only one difference: there was a message open onto your computer.

Nice meeting you, (F/n).
Happy Halloween.

A/N: Happy Halloween!! Hope you enjoyed this! Thanx for reading and see ya later!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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