Yoichi X Reader (Owari no Seraph)

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this one-shot of Yoichi X Reader!

You were in the middle of fighting with the vampires at the defense line, when suddenly, all your comrades started getting pinned down by the vampires, everyone's face growing pale from the blood loss they were experiencing. What is that damn Yuichiro doing? You asked yourself in your mind. Suddenly you heard Yoichi's scream. Your head spun round and saw one of the vampires drinking his blood.

"Yoichi!" You shouted, running towards the scene. You kicked the vampire away with your steel boots, sending them flying back. "Yoichi, are you okay?" You asked, kneeling by his side.

"(F/n)... watch out..." He croaked. You hestitately looked behind you but it was too late, another vampire started drinking your blood, and the one drinking Yoichi's was already walking back. "(F/n), if we die... I just want you to know..." Yoichi began, "I... love... you..." He said, before going unconsious and closing his eyes. Your eyes widened and you started to cry. You just saw your best friend die. You wanted to scream, but you didn't have anymore time left. Dammit, Yu...

Then you closed your eyes.

Time Skip

You woke up in a hospital bed and sat up. What happened? You thought, trying to retrieve memories. Suddenly the picture of Yoichi closing his eyes came to your mind.

"Oh, that's right..." You spoke aloud. You saw a lump of brown hair sleeping at the end of your bed. "Yoichi?" You exclaimed, by the sound of his name he sat up to look at you. His eyes were a little sleepy at first, but then he smiled seeing you alive.

"(F/n)-chan!" He said in his high pitched voice. He hugged you super tight you almost couldn't breathe.

"Yoichi!" You shouted, causing him to pull away. "What happened?" You asked him.

"Vampire's started drinking our blood and we grew unconsious. But luckily, we're alive!" He said happily. "Also, (F/n)-chan..." He began, rubbing the back of his neck. "You've forgotten what I said earlier, right?" He asked shyly.

"Eh?" You asked, trying to remember. Then you remembered him saying he loved you. "Oh, that..." You said, still in thought. You turned back at him and smiled. "I love you too!" You said cheerily and slightly blushing. Yoichi smiled and hugged you super tight again. "Uh, Yoichi!" You yelled, but he wouldn't back off.

A/N: *Fangirls*

I'm sorry, Yoichi is just too adorable! Anywhale, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot! Oh and next one is going to be the last Owari no Seraph one-shot for a while (unless you request).

And OMG my iPad is acting weird and won't publish crap! Give me some time.

Vote, comment any other requests, and tell this to your anime-lover friends who fangirl I guess, and I'll se ya later!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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