Susanoo X Reader (Akame ga Kill!)

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A/N: Susanoo the badass! Hell yeah! Do you think he was even stronger than Akame? Or at the same strength? Random question, I know, and also I'm pretty sure Najenda had a crush on him... I'll stop saying things now. Oh yeah! Freddy and his whole animatronic band are following me on Wattpad... Should I be scared? What am I doing? Anyway, requested by @dragonhunterguild . Hope you enjoy!

You and Susanoo went hunting one day, he gave you very useful advice, and you apreciated that. Once you caught enough fish, you both started to head back.

"Hey, (F/n)." Susanoo said.

"Hm? What?" You asked him.

"You listened to everything I told you, right?" He asked back.

"Eh? Uh, yeah... Why?" You answered. Susanoo looked a little upset.

"Then why are all the fish falling from the net?!" He exclaimed. You became shocked and looked behind you. There was a trail of a few dozen fish behind you. You gasped and looked through the bag you were carrying the fish in, and saw a huge whole in the middle of the bag, and all the fish were gone.

"Aw, crap." You muttered, disappointingly.

"I told you to keep the bag balanced!" Susanoo shouted at you.

"I kept the bag balanced!" You argued. You quickly ran to pick up the fish, sewing the bag together in the process. Once you got the last fish in the bag, you congratulated yourself, exhausted. "I did it!" You cheered. You were about to get up when a danger beast came up from the ground. You were frozen to the spot, knowing that you would've died if you got your imperial arms right then. Suddenly, Susanoo came to your rescue, killing off the danger beast, saving your life which made you blush. Once Susanoo was done, he looked at you in discussed.

"You need to take a shower when we get back, (F/n)." He said in a mean voice. You were confused, but when you looked at your hands, you realised they were covered with blood from the danger beast. You were a little frustrated at that. Well, this isn't the first time that's happened... You thought to yourself.

A/N: Aaaaaand, done! I hope you liked it! Also, just to throw this out there, I started watching Amnesia yesterday and I'm already going on to episode five. IT'S SO WEIRD AND CONFUSING! I ship her with Shin at the moment, if you're watching that anime (or already watched it). No spoiler plez! I also might add it to my list on this book. Also thanks, sis for showing me that anime! Anywhale, vote, comment some requests (I'm trying to get to some Tokyo Ghoul ones). And I'll be going now!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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