L X Reader (Death Note)

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A/N: Requested by inori-katsumi . Quick update on the whole hashtag: Wattpad is only removing the stories that are ONLY for the purpose of sexual content... Guys we are sooo screwed... the lemons ;-; and they probably are getting rid of yaoi and yuri stuff. HANG IN THERE GUYS, THERE MAY STILL BE A WAY! Anyway, onto dis one-shot!

"Detective?! Do you copy?" you shouted through the earpiece. You could hear nothing but the sound of static that represented the danger of L. You rushed back to his post in fear that something may have happened to him. If that Kira guy did something to him I swear to... your thoughts trailed off as you saw L, safe and sound in the tennis court. "Detective um... what happened to your earpiece?" you asked, wide-eyed that the detective was actually okay when your earpiece clearly went berserk.

L turned to look at you, "Ah, Agent (F/n), my apologies," he held up his torn up earpiece for you to see, "you see, I was simply playing my role in playing tennis, but it seems the gentleman got upset and threw the ball at the side of my face, essentially taking the microphone part of it off." you hesitated before finally sighing in relief.

"You had me worried, Detective." you said with a weak smile. The voices of your comrades sounded through your earpiece asking if L was okay. "The Detective is fine, his earpiece just broke, that's all." you explained quickly.

"I thought we were friends, Agent." L said all of a sudden.

It caught you off-guard, "U-um... I thought we were only fellow comrades, Detecti-"

"Call me L. That is the name I go by at the moment after all." he said with a small smile.

"R-right..." there was a long hesitation between the two of you until you decided to speak up, "Um, anyway! We have to get you back to base and analyze the data we received, let's go." you said, taking the Detective by the wrist and walking him back to headquarters.

When you got there and carefully analyzed the data from the behavior of the certain people you were told to look through, you eventually found nothing, so you laid back on your desk chair with a sigh, "We'll never catch him like this... we need something solid. The two guys I had to analyze were both total retards, and the second one wanted to hook up with me..." you said with a shudder. The detective - surprisingly - laughed at your sentence.

"I agree, it was foolish of me to randomly assign people to you like this. Which is why I have recruited a new member by the name of Light Yagami, he is an intelligent young man in high school who will be a great addition to our team." L explained, getting out of his chair.

You raised your hand, "How do we know that this 'Light' person can be trustworthy?"

"We will just have to find out once he comes to the team," he replied.

"Um... if you don't mind, Detec- L, may I have a quick word with you?" you requested, standing up.

"Of course." you both went out to the hallway.

"Don't you think this is a bit reckless? I mean, a high school boy? I don't think this a great idea..."

"I like your honesty, (F/n)," your heart skipped a beat as he called you by your name, without the 'Agent' before that, "That's why I'm assigning you to be my right hand man - or, in this case - woman." he explained.

"And? My duties are...?"

"You have the permission to shoot this Light Yagami if you suspect him or see him doing anything suspicious." you nodded in understanding. He then smiled at you, "Also, you should really stop the whole 'I got this' act. No one is ever really prepared for certain tasks, no one is perfect," he said, patting your head before walking back into the computer room. You watched as he closed the door, leaving you pondering what that was all about.

A/N: It is VERY hard to write an L x Reader okay?! He is just super serious and it's very hard to work with his personality in general. *sigh* I did my best... Anywho, I'll catch you guys next time!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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