Sasuke X Reader (Naruto Shippuden)

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A/N: Requested by @Puppylover25918 . Hope you enjoy!

Ever since Sasuke had gone missing, everyone worried, you especially. You loved Sasuke, so you spent more time looking for him than ninja missions or training.

"Sasuke!!!" you called out as you looked for him in the woods. You looked through every branch, trunk, bush, anywhere you could think to look. It was no use, he wasn't here. You eventually grew exhausted jumping from tree to tree like that, so you settled down for a break. You sat beside a tree trunk and took a breather for about ten minutes before getting back up again on your weak, wobbly legs. I'll just have to get deeper in the forest, you thought to yourself. You got yourself ready but as soon as you took the one step you collapsed face-first into the ground from burnout. Have.. to get there... fast... those were the only thoughts you had before passing out.

You awoke in a poorly lit cabin-looking room with warm blankets and hot cocoa on the dresser next to the bed you were in.

"Man, finally you're awake." a familiar voice said as you sat up from the bed.

"That voice... Sasuke?" you asked the darkness.

"Yeah, unfortunately." he replied. You could hear footsteps coming towards you until Sasuke's face came into view. He looked different. His clothes, his hair... but the look in his eyes changed the most. They weren't the same empty eyes that saw nothing in life, now they were dangerously unreadable.

You cupped his face in your hands, "What happened to you?" you whispered to him. "You just suddenly when missing, why?" there was nothing said from him for a long time.

Instead, he took one of your hands in his and looked down at it lovingly.

"For power." he said simply. Something told you that that wasn't all, but at the same time it was the truth.

"Sasuke-" he cut you off with a small kiss. He immediately pulled back after two seconds however.

"I'm sorry I just- I missed you." he explained in embarrassment. You could see the small blush on his face which made you giggle.

"I missed you too. Why else did you think I was in the woods? I was looking for you." you told him. He smiled slightly for a minute but it quickly went to a frown.

"You have to go now though. I... have to get stronger. So I can be there for you next time." he said, quickly standing up with you to the cabin entrance. Before you left and waved goodbye, Sasuke told you one last thing: "Don't mention any of this to Naruto, he'll probably kill me the second he finds out." you understood what he meant, and you left him be.

How little you knew back then Sasuke's dreadful past.

A/N: We are NOT going back to those terrible days with Itachi and Sasuke ;-; no. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this one-shot and see ya later!

Love ya'll

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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