Tatsumi X Reader (Akame Ga Kill!)

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A/N: Requested by @Scanty101 . I hope you enjoy!

He wouldn't talk to you for weeks after Mine's death. He locked himself in his room when he walked past you even after his talk with the team. Sure he was a little more cheered up, but for some reason he was talking to everyone in Night Raid except for you. For the past few days you let it slide, but it concerned you more and more when it kept happening. You decided to talk to him one day.

You knocked on his door and spoke, "I'm coming in." you tried twisting the handle but the door wouldn't busge. "Of course." you murmerd to yourself. You knocked on the door again, "Tatsumi!!!" you shouted through the door. No reply. You reclined against the door and closed your eyes. "Tatsumi... let me in." you said more quietly this time. There was a very long silence, and you were about to walk away when the door finally opened, slowly, but surely. Tatsumi stood there, looking like nothing had happened. At first, looking at him was a relief to you, then you remembered that he didn't talk to you for two weeks and tackled him to the floor. "TATSUMI!!!" you yelled in anger, "You jerk! How dare you ignore me?! For two whole weeks! Unbelievable, you have some explaining to do!" you said as you punched him multiple times in the chest. You realized that you two were in an awkward position and immediately sat up straight. "Explain. Now." you said as you waited for an explanation.

Tatsumi sat up as well and rubbed the back of his head in pain, "Ow... Okay." he took a deep breath and started to explain everything, that he didn't want to lose you most of all, because he cherished you with all his heart and he wouldn't know how to live with himself if something happened to you.

You were shocked and mad at the same time, taking a deep breath, you slapped him, "You idiot!" you yelled at him.

"What?" he said in confusion.

"You shouldn't worry about me so much! Of course something's going to happen to me here and there, but that's my fault! I joined Night Raid knowing the consequences! Obviously you didn't." you said, folding your arms.

"I guess I didn't..." he said with shame. You smiled at him and hugged him.

"Hey, don't worry about it, I'm still here at least, right?" you whispered positively. You felt Tatsumi's arms wrap around you.

"Yeah, I guess that's the best part of Night Raid."

A/N: CUTE! Okay, done! Let me get to the other ones. See ya!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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