Yandere Mikaela X Reader (Owari no Seraph)

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A/N: I know, I know! It's Halloween already I know!!! Which makes this one more exciting. But let's admit, Mika is already yandere. Requested by @Kuro_and_Shiro . Hope you enjoy!!!

You were absolutely terrified. Everybody in the Vampire city was dead. You put your hand over your mouth so that the killer - Mika - wouldn't hear your silent cries.

"Senpai...?" he called out. Tears were streaming down your face. How could he ever do such a thing? you thought. Escape, you thought quickly. You needed some sort of distraction to help you run away, away from the city and never to return. You looked around and caught sight of some blood in a tube on the table across from you. You knew Mika was somewhere behind the table you were at, so you silently took your sword out and threw it at the tube of blood. Even though you missed the tube by two centimetres, it was enough to make it smash on the floor, causing it to echo the shattering noise of the crash. You waited until Mika took the bait, not daring to move your position just yet.

Sure enough, Mika took a sniff from the blood and started licking it off (A/N: Um, Mika? Ew. Ahem, anyway...) You took this moment for your chance of escape, you slid away from the table and quietly ran away. You were so close to the exit, close enough to just escape...

However, you were sent flying backward, all the oxygen taken away from your lungs. You nearly fainted as you hit the ground, coughing up blood. Your vision was blurry, and when you looked up, Mika was already in front of you in a crouching position.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he asked, reaching hand out to touch your face.

You swiped his hand away from you and backed away from him, "Stay away from me, you monster!" you shouted at him.

"It really hurts when you say those things to me." Mika said sadly. He started leaning towards you. "But just think. We could be so happy together." he said, an eerie smile coming on his face. You didn't know what to do. You hugged him, and told him you loved him - which was true.

"But it's time I said goodbye." you whipsered, drawing a knife through his shoulder and running away.

I hope you'll forgive me, you thought.

A/N: I think that was meh. Oh well. I have just one more request to fulfill, so I'll see you later!

Lover ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

Anime X Reader One-Shots (Requests Open!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora