Lubbock X Reader (Akame ga Kill!)

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A/N: I honestly love Lubbock. He was the smartest, (yet perverted) characters of this anime. It was just amazing how he had everything set up before his enemies realised Cross Tail all around them. Just. Amazing. Anywho! Requested by @ZairossAL3 . Hope you enjoy!

You and Lubbock gazed at the stars, admiring the beautfiul night. You rested your head on Lubbock's chest. He was your boyfriend and you were celebrating your five month aniversary. You breathed in the fresh air.

"Lubbock, this is nice." You said happily.

"Too bad none of this could last long." He said quietly. You gently elbowed him on his ribs.

"Don't say things like that!" You exclaimed. "We stick togather, no matter what." You protested. Lubbock sat up making you sit up too.

"Yeah, I guess..." He mumbled, looking off into the distance. He looked back at you. "(F/n)(L/n)..." He began. H presented a tiny box. "Will you marry me?" He said, opening the box to present a beautiful silver ring. You were surprised, you hadn't expected this at all. You were tongue-tied out of words to say. You kissed him passioneately, then you pulled away and smiled.



Sorry, I'm just trying to keep my inner fangirl in control.

How did you like this one-shot? It was honestly kind of short wasn't it? Oh well I guess.

Be sure to keep requesting. This book is at 189+ reads! That's even more than my Jelsa fanfic! That's just amazing. Well, See ya'll later!


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