Envy X Reader (FullMetal Alchemist)

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A/N: Part 75! Requested by @RavenKazuto . Hope you enjoy!

"You're seriously going out like that?" you asked in sheer embarassment. Envy had disguised himself as a random blonde girl wearing a puffy pink dress and holding a pink umberella with pin- you know what? Everything was pink! "It looks like Princess Peach threw up on your face." you mumbled.

"Who's that?" he questioned.

"Eh? No one!" you said in panic. Ugh, I would give anything to have a NORMAL boyfriend right now, you thought to yourself.

"To answer your earlier question, I'm not going out like this," he began, "I'm going out with YOU!" he joked. You immediately started blushing.

"I-IDIOT! Stop being so stupid!" you shouted in annoyance. He gently ruffled your hair and giggled, "Chillout, moron. I gotta head out now." he said, walking towards the door. "See ya!" he winked. The silence around you made you comfortable. "See ya..." you said quietly.

~Time Skip Brought to you by Alchemy!~

How did I meet him again? you asked yourself as you clumped onto your bed. You closed your eyes as you remembered that first time you met him. "Summer of two years ago..."


You were walking through the park one summer evening when you noticed a kid getting beat by a couple of cops, the cops were beating this kid down with all their force. You looked around for anyone else witnessing this. When you saw that no one else was there, you took a deep breath and started jogging towards the scene.

"Hey- hey!" you shouted at the cops. The cops turned their attention on you. "What the hell are you doing, beating some kid to the ground? Don't you know there's a freaking robbery going on in a Game Stop a block away?" there was a lot of silence in the atmosphere, "Well?! Are you going to go do something about it?" you yelled. the cops immediately went running towards the scene you mentioned. You started walking towards the kid on the floor.

"Hey, thanks-"

"Don't thank me yet, kid, we gotta get out of here!" you said, grabbing his hand and running.

"Wait, why?!" he screeched.

"Because they're going to find out sooner or later there's no Game Stop around here." you explained. HA, dumbasses, you thought to yourelf. You both ran into an alleyway and hid.

After awhile, the cops seemed nowhere near you two.

"Okay, seems like we're in the clear. Say, kid, why were you-" you were cut off by seeing that sitting next to you was not a kid, but an adult guy wearing some weird clothing.

"Ah, that's much better!" he said, stretching.

"But wasn't- are you- HUH?" you exclaimed in disbelief. As if knowing all your questions, he replied, "I was getting beaten down because I caused the cops some trouble, and yes, I was the kid from earlier." you couldn't seem to close your mouth from this information, and you were speechless. You swallowed the giant lump in your throat, "Okay." you managed to say.

"Wait, 'okay'? Aren't you gonna be all shocked and ask me all these questions?" he asked, just as shocked as you.

"I was shocked, now I've absorbed it. The moral is don't judge a book by it's cover. Got it. Anyway," you said, standing up, "I'll be heading out now, see you." you said, walking away.

"Wait! Wait wait wait wait wait!" he said quickly. You turned around to face him. "I-if you could, we could meet up here tomorrw. Oh, and by the way, my name's Envy. You?" he said.

"(F-F/n)." you stuttered. Envy smiled at you and put a hand out for you to shake it, "Nice to meet you, (F/n)." he said. You shook his hand, "Same here, Envy."

End of Flashback

"...Since then, I visited Envy almost every day in that alleyway and I got to know him better. From there, we started going out." you finished, smiling to yourself.

"True story." you heard a familiar voice say. Your eyes shot open and you sat up to see Envy there.

"Envy! What the hell are you doing here? I thought you had to go." you said.

"I did, and I came back like five minutes ago." he explained. Then, smirking at you he added, "Nice to know that you think about me a lot."

This brought immedaite blush to your face, "Sh- shut up, idiot!" you said, throwing a pillow at him. He just laughed at your reaction, which eventually brought a smile to your face, "Idiot."

A/N: IT'S DONE! I'm pretty proud of it, honestly! I hope you liked it (I did all this on a plane btw :P) That's all from me, see ya! (pun intended)

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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