Mitsuhide X Reader (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)

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A/N: Requested by @Dattebayo1 . Hope you guys enjoy!!! Also omg Durarara is SOOOO GOOD!!!!

So far, life was going pretty great for you.

It's not even a lie.

You had moved in to Clarines just about one or two months ago and already you were being offered a job to work as one of the Prince of Clarines' guards. Of course you accepted. Working for the Prince? What an honor! Although, given you were a girl, you weren't quite sure how the men in the workplace would treat you. With respect? Would they be sexist? Maybe, maybe not. You would never know unless you went there yourself, right? All you knew is that you were a fit enough girl to be offered a job in the presence of the Prince.

So here you were now, getting yourself ready for tomorrow, what you would wear for the job trial, what you would say... the sorts.

Before going to sleep that night you remember thinking, tomorrow's gonna be a good day, I can feel it.

Next thing you knew, it was morning and that meant you start the new job! So you got ready and made your way to the castle, which honestly wasn't that far. Alright, (F/n), remember: chin up, be confident, and don't let anyone get in your way! You approached the castle entrance and went up to one of the guards, holding up your letter that states your trial for guarding the castle walls.

Clearing your throat, you spoke, "Excuse me, I am here for the guard exam for the castle of Clarines." Hm... maybe that was too forced? you mentally noted. The guard gave you a confused look.

"And who might you be?" he asked.

"Oh, my apologies. My name is (F/n) (L/n)," you introduced. The guard looked over to the other just a few feet away and raised his eyebrow. The other guard shrugged so he turned his attention back to you.

"I think I would have been informed if the Prince had given some... mere girl a job offer as a guard." he said dully. And I don't remember people having to be informed if anyone was given a job offer, you thought to yourself. You bit your tongue to make sure those thoughts didn't escape and remained calm.

"Sir, this letter is all I need to assure you that I was given this job offer." you explained calmly.

"That letter could have been mistakingly sent to your address. It can happen to anyone," he shrugged. You opened your mouth to say something but you were interrupted by a tall man with blue hair walking out to the gate and shutting the door behind him. He was merely minding his own business until he noticed the situation in your direction, causing him to stop in his tracks and walk over to you and the guards.

"Something the matter, guards? Ma'am." he said, briefly nodding your head at you. You nodded your head back at him.

"Ah! Mitsuhide-san..." the guard you were talking to said. Mitsuhide? you thought, That sounds... familiar. Wait...

"Nothing's wrong here," one of the guards explained. You quickly looked over at the letter and looked for who it was sent from. "We were just telling this lady that-"

"Mitsuhide? You're the one who sent for me then?" you interrupted. His attention turned to your words and he stood for a while in thought.

"Hm... If I may ask, what's your name?" he questioned, a bit embarrassed.

"(F/n) (L/n)," you quickly answered.

His face seemed to light up, "Ah, yes! You're the one who had a perfect description for just the guard necessities! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" he said, taking your hand and shaking it. He shot a glare at one of the guards. "Why didn't you let her in sooner?" he asked seriously.

The guard almost jumped out of his skin, "Gah! Um... we, uh..." he was at a complete loss of words to explain why they didn't let you in.

Mitsuhide looked away and closed his eyes. "No matter. I'm sure Prince Izana will be pleased to see you about this." he explained. He looked back at you and smiled, "Follow me, I want to show you around the castle and where you'll be staying.

"Hold on, don't I have some sort of trial first?" you asked, confused.

"Oh, I didn't mention, did I? My apologies. You're not working as any normal guard here. You'll be working mainly for Prince Zen and Prince Izana during his stay here. I know it sounds like a lot, but trust me, when you get to know Zen, you'll feel more comfortable." he assured you. No one said anything about this! you thought to yourself in panic. You felt a hand rest on your shoulder and you turned to see Mitsuhide smiling at you. "You'll be fine. I'm sure of it." he told you. You don't know what it was then, but one could say you were attracted to Mitsuhide. Regardless of Prince Zen and Izana, Mitsuhide seemed to be the real prince in your eyes. He had helped you out at the castle gate anyway. He even took the time to go over your description from after you made it out of school.

You both continued to walk tour around the castle until eventually he had to take you to Prince Zen's office.

He knocked on the door and walked in, you behind him. "Good evening, Zen. I just came by to introduce you to our newest guard member, (F/n)." he explained. You bowed in greeting, earning a smile from Prince Zen.

"I hope I can be of some service, Prince Zen." you mustered out.

"Please," he said, waving his hand, "just call me Zen."

"Alright..." you paused, "Zen..." you added.

"There's nothing you have to do today, and it's getting a little late, so I suggest going back home and packing some of your things for your stay here." he told you. "Real work starts tomorrow, so as long as you're ready for that," he smiled.

"Thank you, pri- Zen." you said before bowing again. "I promise I won't let you down!" you smiled back. You and Mitsuhide made your way back out to the castle grounds.

"Let's take you to see the others," Mitsuhide told you, leading you to the garden. There were two people there; a guy with catlike eyes and brownish hair and a girl with red hair that really stood out. "Obi, Shirayuki, this is (F/n). (F/n), this is Shirayuki and Obi." he introduced briefly. You nodded your head at them.

"It's nice to meet you," you said a bit quietly.

"Aw, she's cute!" Obi said with a wide smile. Shirayuki smiled at you warmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, (F/n)." she greeted.

You talked for a while more when Mitsuhide told you he wanted you to meet someone else. You didn't have to walk very far when you were introduced to a girl with dirty blonde hair in a pony tail named Kiki. You could say you were a bit jealous of Kiki for being so close to Mitsuhide given the conversation that kept going throughout the time they were talking.

You decided you should go home since it really was getting late. Mitsuhide walked with you to the gate where you talked for quite a bit before you leaving back to your house.

"You know, I'm really glad I got to meet you. I hope we can get along well." he said with a smile. You almost blushed at this, but you turned you head and quickly said goodbye to him and raced off to your house.

While you were there, you packed for your stay at the castle before going to bed. You thought to yourself before going to sleep, Tomorrow's gonna be a good day. I can feel it.

A/N: Eyyyy there ya go! I hope you guys liked it.

Guys I am OBSESSED with Durarara!!! Like seriously the fact that they even added Baccano! characters (and there's literally the word "Baccano" EVERYWHERE) and that they have hot guys- I mean what? XD I seriously love this anime I'M SO GLAD I STARTED WATCHING IT! I'm on episode 12.5 and so far it's friggin' ridiculous XD Anywho, I'll be going now. See ya!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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