Tenga X Reader (Kiznaiver)

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A/N: Requested by the lovely @skygirlship . Thanks for stopping by and enjoy~~~!

"O-oi! Tenga!" you shouted after him. He was being ridiculous if he thought he could leave in the heat of the moment. He just kissed you for crying out loud! And now he just thinks he can walk away right after? Not on your watch.

After a while of chasing him around, he ended up getting in his car, ready to drive off. You immediately sprinted towards the car and slammed your hands on the car window rim that was wide open of the passenger's seat.

"Don't you dare leave." you said, panting heavily from running so fast. You had finally gotten your first kiss with the guy you had a crush on and you didn't want it to go back to being 'just friends.' You really wanted to date Tenga, but for some reason he always liked playing with your feelings by saying something nice to you then pushing you away. Tenga breathed out a long sigh and sat back in his driver's seat, while you stuck your head through the window to look inside. "Can I sit inside?" you asked calmly. He nodded, not looking at you for a second. You opened the car door to the passenger's seat and climbed in, leaving a long silence between the two of you. "What's going on between us?" you said finally.

Tenga finally turned his head to look at you, "I'm not going to lie to you, so I'll just start off simply... I'm in love with you." He let that hang in the air for a few seconds, making your heart pound faster by the second. After a while, he continued, "I really want to go out with you, but I'm sure you'd turn me down anyway... I'm probably just a burden to yo-"

"No!" you quickly cut in, "You're not a burden to me, don't think that for a second!" you added on, surprised that he even felt that way. "What, is it only because I brush you off when I hang out with my friends or something? I thought you would catch on that that's how you've been treating me, Tenga!" He looked at you as if you were speaking in a foreign language, which started making you well up tears since you couldn't believe that he didn't notice himself. Resting your forehead on his shoulder, you choked out, "I've been in love with you this whole time, you idiot." He didn't move for a while, making you blush from the feeling that you screwed everything up.

All of a sudden, his shoulder tensed up and you lifted your head off to see what he was doing. He started putting the car into gear and drove off outside of where the buildings were and onto a dirt road. You both sat in silence until you questioned, "Where are we going?" He hesitated for a while and smirked.

"You'll see."

~Time Skip brought to you buyyyyy Gee Way leggo~

After a while of driving, it had grown dark and it looked like you guys were in the middle of nowhere. Tenga put the car on park and rolled the roof down, revealing the beautiful stars in the night sky.

"Wow..." you breathed, looking up at the sky. Without noticing, Tenga intertwined his fingers with yours, making you turn over to him. Facing the sky, he spoke softly, "I used to come here all the time when I was a kid, always with my family." You stared back up at the stars with him, connecting any possible combinations in the sky. "I'd just look up and hope I'd find something as beautiful as the stars to look at," he added, looking straight at you. "And I have." You could barely believe what he had just said as you stared at him in bewilderment. He started scratching at the back of his head, "So uh... I know I'm not so great at this whole romance thing and all, and that was probably the cheesiest thing you've heard all day..." he said truthfully, causing you to chuckle and make him smile. "But anyway... I was hoping... Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked in a nervous tone. You smiled at him, quickly kissing him on the cheek before looking at him again.


A/N: Same. Lmao what am I talking about no one would like me that way. Pfft.

But hey! Finally a chapter that's not as short as the other ones!!! A chapter you guys DESERVEEEEEEEE. Anyway, I've gotta go eat some food now so excuse me to go do that. Later!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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