Whis X Reader (DragonBall Z)

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A/N: Requested by leohamato . Now let me just say that I know I have done one of these before, but kind of like that L x Reader, THEY ARE VERY HARD. I just CANNOT cope with certain personalities it suckssss. Especially in an anime solely about fighting... Also, quick question and I feel like a LOT of you are going to say "OMG YES!!": Should I watch Durarara? I haven't been watching any anime lately it's making me bored. ANYWHO ONTO THIS ONE-SHOT!

Whis was a very close friend of yours, but it did surprise you that you got an invitation from him to the seventh universe. It was a long journey from the ninth universe - the one you lived in - to the seventh universe where he called you.

Landing on the planet where Whis and his other friend, Lord Beerus were, you politely asked why you were called over.

"Ah, (F/n). You see, we found a formidable student by the name Goku who wanted to meet one of the people stronger than ourselves. Now, I don't have many friends and you're the only person I know who is stronger than myself." it was true that you were stronger than Whis, but him admitting it out loud... not everyone likes admitting when someone is stronger than them, and Whis was one of those people.

"You're stronger than Whis, huh?" a rather spiky haired man said. This must be the one called Goku. You nodded. He suddenly burst into fits of laughter, "but your a girl! How could you possibly be-" you packed as much strength in your leg to not kill him and kicked him in the gut which sent him flying about forty feet in the air, eventually landing back on the ground.

"That wasn't even my full strength. Anyway, Goku, was it?" you asked.

He coughed before replying, "Yeah."

"Alright, so then, you don't think women can be strong as well?"

He stood up with the little strength he now had, "I don't believe they can't be strong, I just can't believe there's one stronger than the universe's strongest." he explained.

"Fair enough, but in case you haven't noticed, I am not from this universe, I am from the ninth. There I am known as the Goddess of Natural Disaster; anything I feel impacts another planet. Like how I kicked you just now? It must've caused an earthquake back in my universe." you explained.

"Such power..." his expression went from grim to a little kid at a candy store, "SO AMAZING! I WANT POWER LIKE THAT AS WELL! AW MAN, LIVING LIKE GOD'S MUST BE SO COOL!" he babbled on and on about the idea of being a God that Lord Beerus got mad enough to flick him in the forehead which sent him back, eventually making him splash in the nearby lake. You took a moment to process what had happened and eventually started laughing at how much of a fool this Goku was.

"What does that cause back at your universe?" Whis suddenly asked, referring to your laugh.

With a smile, you replied, "Sunshine."

"No surprise," Whis said, smiling back. You lightly blushed.

You could say that if you did have a weakness, it would probably the sort of flirty sentences Whis directed at you.

You stayed for a while longer at their planet and you were all about to have dinner until Goku started begging to see you and Whis fight. You were certainly up for the challenge.

Your mood changed into that of a child, "Alright, let's do this! I'm in!" you said, already getting your fists ready.

"Oh, no. I'm afraid I'll have to pass."

"Oh, come on Whis! Let's see if you can last longer than our last fight! A new record!" you said excitedly.

"How long was that?" Goku asked.

"One hour, ten minutes and sixteen seconds." you and Whis said in unison.

Whis sighed, "Well, I suppose I'll try again, see if I can beat my personal best."

"I'll get the stopwatch," Lord Beerus announced, quickly going into the house and coming back outside with stopwatch in hand. "Alright, the fight will start when I after hamburgers, they were just so delicious when I went to Earth! Ready? Fries, soda, and... hamburgers!" that was just Lord Beerus' way of counting, so you started the fight right away.

It almost seemed like days had passed while your were fighting, when eventually Whis was defeated in style with a special attack.

"Seems I have lost," he said, accepting the situation flying back down, you following.

You looked over to Lord Beerus, "How long was that?"

"Two hours, three minutes and forty seconds," he said with a slight smile. Your face beamed and you hugged Whis so tight he was scared you were going to hug him to death like that.

"I'm so proud of you! You beat your record! I knew you could do it," you told him happily.

"Thank you."

You then had to leave, so with a quick goodbye, you were about to leave when Whis stopped you for a minute.

"(F/n), the next we meet, I request we have a date," he said sincerely.

"A... date?" you questioned.

He nodded, "If you don't mind."

"Um... s-sure... a date set for next time I visit," you said, blushing.

"It's a date then," he confirmed.

"I-it is." you awkwardly re-confirmed. "Well, I'll be going now," you said before taking a journey through the hyper-space.

What was going on in your mind? A DATE?! A DATE WITH WHIS?! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE! Ah! Calm down, (F/n)! You're a Goddess for crying out loud, you should be better than this!


Back at the planet that Whis and Lord Beerus inhabit, Goku woke up from falling asleep while your fight with Whis was going on.

"Aw man! I missed the fight! Why didn't you guys wake me?!" Goku exclaimed.

"Because we know that if we even tried, you wouldn't wake up, knowing that thick skull of yours it would take throwing you back to Earth - maybe more - to actually wake you up." Lord Beerus replied.

"...You could have still at least tried," Goku grumbled.

A/N: Multi-personality reader! I feel pretty good about this one... Anywho, I'll see you guys later!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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