Levi X Reader (Shingeki no Kyojin)

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A/N: Was requested another Levi x Reader (he hawt). Requested by @animeloveinBaconGod (btw love your username). Here you go! Enjoy! Btw I am breaking the laws of Attack on Titan. Lol XD .

"You're so stupid."

"You're so stoic."

"Oh my gawd, you're so ANNOYING!" Hanji yelled at the top of her lungs. "How about learn to obey and just shut up for five seconds. No! Make that, five thousand seconds!" she said impatiently.

"I can do that, but I don't think (F/n) here knows what the word 'obedience' means." Levi shrugged with that same emotionless expression.

You scoffed at him, "If I don't know what obedience means, then you don't know what leadership means!" you shouted at him.

"It was an order, and you disobeyed!" he argued back. Hanji was obviously growing ticked off at this point, causing her to throw the both of you out of the office.

"If you want to argue, go ahead; argue! Just don't do it in my office again!" she screeched, slamming the door shut in your faces.

"Cadet (L/n), my office. Now." Levi said impatiently. Fuming, you followed Levi to his office, cracking your knuckles before going in. There was a moments' pause because of Levi's pacing until he finally spoke, "What was that out there?" he exclaimed at you.

"I believe I was saving two children and a comrade from getting eaten by a titan successfully while you were telling the squad to retreat." you answered simply.

"Exactly! My exact orders were to retreat, yet you disobeyed!" he said angrily. "We can't waste 3D Maneuver Gear on scum who won't obey orders." at the word 'scum' your head propped up and you stepped forward to glare at Levi right in the eye.

"I am not 'scum'. I did what my duty was - to protect humanity. You, on the other hand, refused to help me save them while you were telling our squad to chicken out!" you hissed.

"Pay attention to what your big mouth is saying, and who your saying them to." Levi said sternly. "I am your superior, I am in charge of bringing you all back alive and victorious, those who don't obey my orders shouldn't have any business in the Levi Squad to begin with." he added.

You stepped back and waved your hands in the air with irritation, "Oh my God! Are you not listening to me right now? I am trying to get the point across that protecting humanity comes first!" you said impatiently.

"Your point has been taken, now I'm telling you that you should not go around disobeying orders whenever you feel like it!" he said, raising his voice. A dangerous silence filled the air as you and Levi glared at each other.

At last, you took your 3D Maneuver Gear off. "Then I, (F/n) (L/n), resign from the Survey Corps. Jackass," you said with menace in your voice. You stomped out of his office and to the main office to officially resign. You recalled those words you had said, Levi seemed pretty taken aback, but you didn't care, you couldn't keep putting up with his crap. You were about to stomp through the doors to the main office until you felt a hand on your wrist, pulling you back. You turned around to see Levi staring right at you.

"I forbid you." he said, holding your gaze in his. You were a bit surprised at this, which made the only word you could say, "What?" letting go of your wrist, he turned around to walk off. "I said, I forbid you. Now we have a mission to do, so get your stuff and get going." he repeated, walking off. What... just happened? you thought to yourself. You froze. Just froze on the spot to absorb the situation. This was Levi Ackerman just now, right? He would never 'forbid' anyone to resign, if they resigned, he wouldn't care, right? So why, of all people, would he care if you resigned or not?

You tried to follow him but couldn't find him anywhere, I guess it was this mission or nothing, huh? You took a deep breath, collected and put on your 3D Maneuver Gear. The mission was to watch some other squad in the Training Corps protect a titan shifter while giving reports on how they were doing and killing off titans while you were there. All of the squad was ready to go by the time you got there. You looked for Levi - the squad leader himself - but he was just as late as you were. You went up to him to ask him if you could have a word with him after the mission, but he just stopped you mid-sentence as he started to restate what the mission was about. You personally didn't understand why you were given such a boring mission. I mean, seriously, watch over some kids in the Training Corps? What sort of a mission was that? You decided to just go with it and follow your squad.

You had to meet up with this Training Corps 'squad' since you were going to be doing their reports on how well they do. You felt a bit sorry for the titan shifter who introduced himself as Eren Jaeger that only you would know the reason why. (titan...) Next thing you knew, you were all jumping from rooftop to rooftop keeping track of Eren in his titan form. You were running along while writing your report at one point when all of a sudden, an abnormal jumped out at you, knocking you off balance causing you to roll over the top, almost falling absolutely off. You quickly regained your balance and faced up at the titan. You were about to jump at it with your 3D Maneuver Gear until you noticed the other titan right behind you which Levi took care of.

"Tch, you should seriously focus on your surroundings." he said in an irritated tone.

You smirked at him. "Sometimes your an idiot, Captain," you began, slaughtering the titan, "you underestimate my skills almost too easily." you said, continuing to run to the next roof.

Eventually, the mission was over and it was time to get back to HeadQuarters.

"I'm just saying, I think he overreacted when those kids were taking too long in getting Eren out of his titan form." you told Petra. She chuckled at your response. Speaking of Levi, you thought before going up to Levi, "Captain Levi!" you began with a salute, "If you don't mind, I would like a word with you in your office." you requested. He lead you to his office where you walked in and closed the door behind you.

"Have a seat," he said while taking his own.

"I won't be here for long, so no thank you. Um, I wanted to ask you why you had forbidden me from resigning from the Survey Corps." there was a very long silence that filled the air.

"Because... I- we need you here. You're one of the most elite Cadets here." you felt really encouraged by his praise, you were glad that it was just that and not some whole other reason.

"Oh, that's it? Well, thank you very much! I'll be going now..." you had already turned to the door.

"It's also because I love you..." you heard him say behind you. What? was all that could fill your mind. Everything else was blank, like what to say. All you could do was look at him in shock as you waited for an explanation of some sort. "I know... I know there's no time for love, especially in the Survey Corps, I've tried telling myself that..." he explained carefully, "but no matter how many times I've tried, I can't help the fact that I'm helplessly in love with you." tears started welling up in your eyes because of how you thought it would be if you two grew too close. If you died he would have to face that reality once again that he lost another loved one. You didn't want him going through that again.

"Corporal..." you quickly brushed your tears away, "I'm so sorry I'm crying right now... I just don't want you to lose someone else you loved, I don't ever want you to feel that way again..." you trailed off, tears streaming down your face uncontrollably.

You felt Levi's arms wrap around you, "Tch, idiot, are you saying that you could die out there? Well, you're wrong, especially if I'm around, nothing's going to hurt you." You couldn't find the words to say, so you pretty much didn't say anything. "I love you." Levi whispered.

"I... I love you too."

A/N: And they lived happily ever after! OH MY GAWD I ACTUALLY GOT IT UP! I can't believe this! Well, Hope you enjoyed and also to those of you who have requested already: Don't worry, I'm a little slow on updates but your X Reader will DEFINITELY be up. Promise! Just give it some time.

Also I'm tired =_= I've been animating on and off lately, I just can't stop I love my work okay?! Anyway, see ya'll later!

Love ya'll!

~DuckFace165 *QUACK*

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