Hurt, Shatter, Heal (Strauss Siblings)

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The words tasted bitter in your mouth.

Your two older siblings solemnly nodded, heavy tears falling down their face. Your vision started to get blurry with water. They both rushed forward and engulfed your small body into a tight hug. Heavy sobs racked your shoulders as they both protectively tightened their arms around you.

* * * *

You weren't supposed to know. Not this way, at least. It was just a quiet night and you had woken up feeling thirsty.

You decided to go get water from the kitchen. But as you crept back to your room you heard talking from Mira's bedroom.

The door was a crack open and like any child you looked through. Elfman and Mira were sitting on her bed and you noticed Elfman heavily crying.

You knew you shouldn't intrude. But hey, you were young. Like any curious kid, you listened to them talk.

You wish you hadn't at all.

Because, that created your eternal hate for your brother and sister.

"Elfman, we've been over this. Lisanna's death was not your fault!"

"No, I killed her! I turned into t-that monster! And my hand swatted her away like a fly!"

Your eyes widened.

"You weren't in control! She wouldn't want-"

You dropped your glass of water. It shattered across the floor and cut your feet. But you ignored the sting, the pain of the truth hurt like hell.

Your older brother and sister spun around. Their mouths dropped and they stared at you in horror. You clenched your fists. It was a whole two minutes before anyone spoke.

"When were you going to tell me?" You growled.

Mira slowly approached you, like you were some kind of wild animal.

"(Name), we were going to tell you when you were a bit older. It was an accident-"

"ACCIDENT!?" You roared. "Elfman killed Lizzy!Why!? Why did you do it!?"

Mira walked up to you and tried to grab your shoulder. You slapped it away and glared.

"And you knew all along! You knew he killed her! Our sister!"

"(Name) calm down, just listen to me-"

You covered your ears and glared at your brother.

"No!" You lost it and ran to your room. But before you slammed your door you yelled one last time. "I HATE YOU ALL!"

* * * *

The next morning, your siblings found you and all of your belongings gone. Master Makarov sent everyone to look for you.

You were found in an old cabin in the woods near town. Your siblings begged you to come home but you said you refused to live with a killer and liar.

* * * *

It has been 4 years since that day. You barely talk anymore. Elfman, Mira, Gray, Happy, Natsu, even Master Makarov, everyone in the world. If you do talk, the conversation always ends quickly. You only glare at every person that look or passes by you.

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