The Past Changes The Future

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**DEDICATED TO kristendrosarioxo!!!! There were only two comments on the last chapter so it was easy to choose! Congrats! This chapter is just a regular one, nothing too spectacular. My eye hurts so sorry its not long enough :/ Anyways, ON TO THE STORY!!**

It was Tuesday, the second of September when news spread around school about a girl's disappearence. They said her name was Alison DiLaurentis and that she went missing yesterday, Labor Day. What a cruel thing. The school went on lockdown with the police questioning everyone, even me. "I never really knew her that well but she used to make bad comments about my academic skills. I didn't really care though. I know her friends, Naomi and Riley. They were in my History class; they were her only friends but that was all she needed. That's all I really know about Alison." I said to the detective guy.

The girls were questioned too, along with Toby and even Tanner. I'm not surprised they questioned him. I wonder who would do such a crazy thing, such as a possible kidnapping, to her. A girl behind me interrupted my thoughts. "Excuse me, you're blocking my way. I have to be questioned soon." She said. I turn around and my eyes widened. It was Mona Vanderwaal, a victim of Alison's torture. She looks completely different! No glasses, no two ponytails and definitely no braces. Now she has a brand new attitude, new clothes, and personality. She taps her foot impatiently as she waits for me to move. I move aside and she walks past me with confidence. She is a completely different person than who I once knew before.


"Hey Spencer!" A small voice said behind me. I turned and it was Mona- Nerdy Mona. "Hey Mona!" I said back and gave her a hug. "I actually aced my Chemistry test! Thank you so much!" She shouted. "Oh my gosh, congrats! I knew you could do it!" I said back to her with a smile. Yep, we were friends. The best of friends actually. We began to chat until a blonde came from behind us. "Oh god! Look, its Nerdy Mona and Smarty Spencer. What a cute pair of friends. Hah! It was a joke. Neither one of you are even close to cute. You guys look worse than rotten cheese" Alison DiLaurentis said, scrunching up her nose. Mona opened her mouth to say something but she just looked down. Alison and her clique laughed and walked away. I heard a quiet sob from Mona. "Don't cry, Mona. What she said is not true. You look way better than her any day." I whispered to her. She looked up at me with sad brown eyes and gave me a sly smile. "You think so?" "I know so." I confirm. Soon after that was summer and she said she had to move. We promised to talk every day she was gone and we did until she stopped replying to me. That was two and a half years ago and I found new best friends. 

(End of Flashback) 

I sigh. I glance at the clock and the school day was almost over. It felt so short, only being able to go to Homeroom. An hour later, the bell rings and students pour out of the school, into the rain outside. I walk towards my car and I see the girls there. "Hey, what's wrong?" I say. They never really came to my car before. "Can we get a ride? My car is at the repair shop." Aria says shivering. I nod and unlock the doors for them to get in. "So Aria, I saw you chatting with Noel today. What happened?" Hanna asks. I look at Aria and she blushes. She says,"Its nothing. We were just talking about what we did during the weekend and just some boring stuff." Hanna scoffs and rolls her eyes. "You were twirling your hair and laughing way too hard at whatever he was saying!" She said. And that's when the conversation started. It was almost as if nothing's happened. A call interrupted our conversation. It was Toby. 'Oooh' the girls said in unison as I answered. "Hey Tobs." I say. "Hey babe. Where ya heading to?" He asks. The girls shriek when he says 'babe'. I hold in a laugh. "Um, I'm taking the girls home. Why?" "Because," he says, his voice now becoming raspy, "I have a surprise for you at your house. Don't make me wait too long." He hung up and I turn towards the girls. Their reactions mirror mine; eyes widened, mouth hanging open. Then we all just laugh out loud. "That" Han says. I drop them off at their houses, Aria's last. "Remember Spencer, don't keep him waiting too long." She says, mocking Toby's voice. I laugh and drive off to my house. As I get ready to open the front door, I take a deep breath. When I open it, I see absolutely nothing in the living room or the kitchen. I walk upstairs to my room but I don't move when I see what's in there.

There is popcorn, romance movies, and Nutella right next to Toby, who is laying down on my bed, facing me. "Up for a little romance? I brought food." He says with a big smile. I run and jump on top of him. "I haven't seen you for the past two days! Where were you?" I ask him. "School or work. I feel bad that I didn't see you so I'm making it up to you." "And what about that phone call?" I say. He chuckles and says," I knew you were with the girls so I decided to just joke around." I shake my head and grab the Nutella without him noticing. "Close your eyes!" I tell him and he obeys. I open the Nutella and smear it on my lips. Then I go in for a kiss. At first, he seems confused on the texture of my lips and then he sees. When we break apart, he licks his lips. "Hah! Nice one, Hastings." I giggle and he leans in. "How about one for real?" He whispers and presses his lips against mine. It was the sweetest kiss ever.

[[A.N. See what I did there?? Haha, well I don't have much to say so..KEEP CALM AND SHIP SPOBY!! And I hope you enjoyed :) ]]

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