A Long Day

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Waking up is the worst part of my day. I have to face everyone at school and then this Toby kid. I get up and get dressed in a floral dress with my favorite black biker jacket along with floral boots. I fix myself in the mirror. 

Ugh, why do I even bother? The rumor still seems to be fresh in everyone's mind. They don't understand what happened that night! 

I'm ready to leave the house when I see my sister, Melissa, staring at me. It was a look of disgust on her face but somewhere in her eyes, I can see a small bit of sympathy. I'm not lying when I say no one understands! In this small town of Rosewood, news catches on quick, like a spreading wildfire. 

I turn around, grab my bag and head out the door. I enter my not-so-new black Volvo and drive. I sort of tuned out and almost missed the entry to the school's parking lot. I can't seem to shake off everyone's glare as I entered the school. 

Homeroom was odd. I walked to my seat with my head down and see New Kid in it. "Excuse you. That's my seat."

 He looks up at me with those damned blue eyes. "I-I'm sorry." He gets up and I sit in my seat, no thank-you said. 

For the rest of homeroom, he stared at me while I doodled in my notebook. I gave him a look. A look that said 'Leave me alone, idiot'.

I look at what I've doodled. A bed, then a broken promise, and finally, a girl whose life has been ruined. The bell rings. I tear out the page, throw it in the trash and exit to the ladies restroom. It was deserted. I lock myself in a stall and cry.

 I think about that night; How he whispered beautiful words to me, making me blush, and that explosive kissed we shared, but my mind goes further ahead from that night. It goes to when everyone stared at me, shaking their head and whispering not so beautiful things. I'm so deep in thought, that a creak at the door stops me. Had someone heard me cry? As soon as I get ready to open the stall door, the door shuts immediately. I ignore it and clean my face of the tears. I walk out to the rest of my periods until lunch.

Lunch was horrible. I left the school building and past the benches by the lot and to my car. I had stopped there. I walked backwards and viewed my whole car. It was covered in graffiti and toilet paper. It said horrid things like, 'Slut', 'Bimbo', and 'Clean yourself you dirty whore!'. My hands shake. I can feel everyone's stare from behind me. 

I open my door and jump back. The driver and passenger seats where covered in a mountain of condoms. My breathing became uneven as I soon heard the school's laughter infiltrating my mind. I turn around and people were pointing and whispering loudly to each other. I scan the crowd until my eyes lock onto blue eyes. He observes my car and then me. 

Tears begin to well up in my eyes and I run. I run away from the school. Away from the taunting laughters and looks from everyone. I run until I find myself in my backyard. I'm out of breath but that doesn't keep me from crying. I bury my head in my hands. 

An hour or so later, my crying slows down and Melissa opens the door and her eyes shot down to me. I looked like a mess and she saw it. She sucked in her breath and shut the door. I wanted to cry harder. My own sister shut me out. 

I take my time to walk back to school to retrieve my car and am surprised to see my car is clean. No sign of graffiti or toilet paper. I peek into my car and see its condom-free. I see a note. I reach for it and read the two big, scrawny words on it: You're Welcome. I look around and see that everyone's inside. I'm not in the mood to go back into school, although its over in about fifteen minutes, so I drive my car to a diner. I walk in and see very few people there. I order a jumbo cup of coffee and some bagels.

As I get my order and walk out the door, I see familiar faces. A dark blonde haired, pale girl and two brunettes--one with also pale skin and another with tan skin- exiting their own cars. It was the girls.

Before that night happened, those girls were my best friends. We did everything together; we held sleepovers, went to parties, and talked about our crushes. When it happened, I tried to explain to them but they shut me out. Now, here they were and nothing's changed. 

They see me and Aria looked as if she was going to say something but she stopped herself. She shook her head and entered the diner. Hanna and Emily soon followed. I walk into my car and set everything down. I sigh. Its been a long day and what's the best way to end it? With a nice, great big cup of coffee and some bagels. This is the only heaven I've got.

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