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**DEDICATED TO: rueleopard97!! I've decided to choose the dedication using a random chooser unless you write something that I REALLY like and I just HAVE to dedicate the chapter to. Btw, can you guys PLEASEE check out the FB page I made for this story? The link is in the end (and comment section) of the last chapter. I just want you guys to hang there and talk about the story and whatever. Well, on to the story!**

We arrived at the school and I took a deep breath in. "Let me come with you, Spence. You can't be out here alone." Toby says to me. "Don't come with me. Just stay close behind. Keep an eye out just in case, okay Toby?" I say with determination and Toby silently nods. I open the car door and gently close it. I begin to walk towards the side of the school and I could hear Toby coming out the car. I knew he was close enough when he sniffed;the night was cold and it had just rained not too long ago. I'm almost at the park when I hear Toby whisper,"Be careful!" I nod and I broke into a run. I see no one at the park. "Hello? Anyone?" I say. I hear a creak behind me. I turn around and squint. Its hard to see in this mist but I think I see a figure. Before I walk to it, I make sure Toby is still close by and he is. I walk towards it and soon, I see a bright light blinding me. "Ah!" I say and shield my eyes. A gasp. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to blind you." A female voice said. The light goes away. I begin to blink. At first, I see the flashes of the light but soon, I see the girl. It's Aria. Two other girls emerged from behind her and look at me. It was Hanna and Emily. "Wha-What the hell is going on? Why are you guys here?" I yell. "Well, you see-" "Wait, did you guys send me that text?" "Yeah, but Spencer-" Aria tried to say. "Do you know how scared I got? I thought that it was from Ta-". I stopped myself there. I didn't need to explain myself to them. I crossed my arms and looked at all the girls. Hanna and Aria's noses were pink and Emily was shivering. Silence passed for a few seconds. "Spencer, can we just talk? All of us, like we used to?" Emily asks calmly although her teeth are chattering. I begin the conversation,"Like we used to? Oh, you mean when we used to be best friends? When we used to believe each other and stay together through everything?" I made sure to put emphasis on the 'used to'.

Emily sighed."You know what Spencer? Just shut up,okay? You keep complaining about how we never listen and here we are, trying to show you that we do want to listen and that we're sorry. So can you just shut your bulldozer of a mouth for one freakin' second?" Hanna shouted. I'm a little taken back but I nod. Aria starts to talk. "We're sorry, Spencer. We really are. You needed us that day and we never even tried to be there. You were hurting and we just abandoned you like shoes that are way too out of season. When last week happened, I heard it, most of it. Hanna told me what happened. I know that we never listened and even though we weren't here before, we're here now so please Spencer," She says, tears beginning to well at her eyes,"tell us now. We're ready to listen." I stay quiet. I turn around and give a thumbs up at Toby. I walk towards an empty swing next to Hanna. I take a deep breath in. Here goes nothing!


"So..yeah." I finish. The girls looked at me with tears flowing down there faces and I know mine looked the same. "Oh my God, Spence." Emily is the first to talk. "We're so sorry." Aria says. Hanna looks at me with her sad blue eyes and says,"What a jerk. I can't believe him." All of us were now sitting on the swings, huddling and sniffing from the tears and the cold. "And you guys know Toby? Well, they got into a fight and it was about me but I found out something. Him and Tanner are cousins." I say. Aria looks at me in shock and Hanna and Emily looked at me with a crazed expression. "Wait, you're not into him, are you?" Hanna asked. After silence, her eyes widened and she laughs. "Wow. Go figure, Spencer." "Hey, she can't help it. Have you guys went on a date yet?" Aria questioned. "Not really but we did have a cooking war today. It was fun and then we watched Twilight." I say, probably smiling like an idiot. "Wow, a guy willing to watch Twilight with you? He deserves a medal." Aria says. We all laugh and I sigh. It was moments like this that I missed. "I missed you guys so much. Please, don't ever leave me alone. Ever." I whisper. Emily says, "We won't. Let's all just promise on that. No matter what, we'll always be here for each other and we'll always listen." We all put our pinkies in and say, "Pinky promise." We all laugh until we hear someone walking towards us. Its Toby. "Uh, Spence. You do realize its twenty-seven degrees out here?" He says, shivering. I scoff. "Its only fifty-one degrees but okay, we'll go. "I'll see you guys again on Tuesday, right?" They all nod. I soon begin shivering as me and Toby head back to the car. For it being August, it was freezing. "Thank you, Toby." "For what?" "For coming here, waiting in the cold for me. For everything, really." I manage to say through the chattering. I turn to face him and I give him a huge hug. I felt warm and happy inside as he kissed the top of my head and hugged me as well. "I'd do anything for you." He says and I smile.

((A.N. Sorry this chapter was so crappy and short. It was something I did in a rush before I go to bed for school tomorrow. Oh, and GREAT NEWS! I have an!!! Its mrszoeystyles. You can look for it and I will also put the link for it in the FB Page! Ask me tons of questions and I will answer ASAP!! Byee!))

To Trust Is A Miracle (A Spoby/PLL FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now