Chapter One

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Back Again

By: Sophie Anna

(9.6.13) A/N: I attempted to edit this, but I just couldn't. It's so choppy and not even remotely up to my personal writing standards. I wrote it a while ago. Sorry about any mistakes/plot holes/annoying characters/unrealistic dialogue, or anything else that arises and doesn't particularly make a whole lot of sense. I tried. If you still want to read this, I'm not stopping you, but I will say that it's not the best story in the world. Just warning you, but thanks for reading if you still choose to do so! Enjoy: 

Chapter One

I stood there, frozen, in the threshold of the somewhat-familiar, red brick building. I had been here multiple times for Adam’s football games. I couldn’t bring myself to go in. It had been two years, I was different person, and yet, my past was the only thing people were going to think of me. I wasn’t usually this timid. I put my hand on my heart to feel it, and it almost leapt out of my chest. I couldn’t do this. I’d turn around; I just couldn’t face seeing the people again.

      “Hey, are you new?” a boy asked, coming behind me. I turned around, and my eyes widened. It was Chase Ryan. It had to be. He didn’t even recognize me. Unbelievable. I quickly glimpsed at him again, hoping he wouldn’t notice. His looks hadn’t changed much—he was still the same tall, dark-haired boy, with perfect skin and an air of confidence about him that I once knew. 

      “No,” I said quietly, not wanting to bring my identity up.

      “Oh, I haven’t seen you around,” he said, staying by my side.

      “Maybe you haven’t been looking hard enough,” I rolled my eyes.

      “No, I think I’d notice someone as hot as you,” he smiled. God. Chase Ryan’s smile. Wow. It was amazing, really, how that same, notorious smile had broken the hearts of countless girls, myself included. I seriously couldn’t believe I was back.

      “Right…” I trailed off, my eyes rotating involuntarily as if a reflex. Idiot.

      “So, what’s your name, sweetheart?” he asked.

      “Doesn’t matter,” I said with a think coat of indifference in my voice.

      “No, seriously. I’m Chase, what’s your name?” he looked at me expectantly, as if by uttering his own name, it was cause for me to do the same.

      “Jules,” I said, giving in, and not wanting to deal with an arguement at eight o’clock in the morning.

      “Is that short for Julia?” he asked. Wow. Real genius kid, right here.

      “Yes, yes it is,” my voice was nuetral.

      “Cool! It’s pretty name, and fits a pretty girl,” he winked cheesily.

      “Yup,” I said, amazed that Chase had no clue who he was talking to. I hadn’t changed that much. Sure, I wasn’t dressed in the same provocative way I used to, but I wasn’t that different. My face hadn’t changed the substantially, and the only difference with my hair was that it wasn’t stick straight, burnt from countless hours of using a straighter. I hadn’t lost or gained a dramatic amount of weight, and I was still pretty short. I guess the whole clothes thing really threw him off or something.

      “We should go in,” he suggested. 

      “Nope,” I said, taking what seemed to be my hundredth deep breath of the day. 

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