Ch 41: Sasuke's resolution

Start from the beginning

"The leaf will burn but from its ashes a new stronger village will form. One without weaklings such as the Uchiha. Weaklings such as you. You can not stop me boy. You have strength and visual prowess no where near Itachi's. You may have the mangekyou but you are no match for me."

"He's dead" all the four year old chorused.

"How do you know that?" Itachi asked.

"Rule 1 never insult the uchiha clan" sakura said.

"Rule 2 never ever under no circumstances compare him to Itachi" naruto said.

"Rule 3 don't call him weak" shika said.

"Rule 4 never threaten the leaf village" ino said.

"Rule 5 if your going to kill someone have a pretty damn good reason" naruto said.

"Rule 6 don't lie when he knows your lying" sakura said.

"Rule 7- " ino continued.

"Alright guys i think they get it" sasuke said a smile ghosting over his lips.

"They better" naruto grumbled.

"They do....probably" Sasuke shrugged.

"you have no idea who your dealing with danzo" sasuke said his voice just above a whisper.

"Hmm?" Danzo questioned his brow crinkling in confusion. Was the boys chakra actually rising?

"Don't underestimate me....i'm Sasuke the last of the Uchiha!!!" Sasuke screamed his head snapping upward amaterasu forming a ring of black flames around them.

"Hopefully a sentence i will never say again" Sasuke mumbled.

"Hey at least it's true now" naruto shrugged.

"Hn" Sasuke responded.

Sasuke immediately attacked shooting a fireball straight at danzo as a decoy and setting the ameterasu upon his opponents body. Danzo screamed as the fire hit.

"So ends your rule of terror" Sasuke said as Danzo finally died.

His attention immediately turned to the village. "I- i have to stop them!" Sasuke said to himself.

"There is no way you'll make it in time!" Shisui exclaimed.

"Shhh! I have my ways" Sasuke said a smirk settling on his face.

"I-i have to stop them!" Sasuke said again as he broke out into a sprint. Sasuke ran faster and faster. His chakra reacting to his distressed emotions. His lightning chakra surging across his body. 'Is this lightnng? It feels so different from my fire feels stronger' Sasuke thought to himself.

Soon the trees blurred and Sasuke was just a lightning bolt once again. He ran up a wall and jumped from roof to roof. Finally Sasuke spotted deidara. Sasuke ran at him and jumped on the bomb bird. It deactivated because of Sasuke's lightening chakra. Deidara tried to punch him but when his fist hit Sasuke's palm lightning surged into his body killing him inside out effectively. Next he moved on to Sasori burning him to death with the amaterasu. After them he went after hidan his scythe splintering into metal chips as Sasuke body slammed into it. He grabbed a shard mid air and stabbed it into his heart. And just for good measure amaterasu'd him as well. Sasuke due to his sharingon could see the five hearts kakazu possesed. In record time Sasuke brought the giant down with five precise strikes his arm fazing through the mans body as he ripped out heart after heart after heart. Sasuke then moved on to zetsu chopping his head off with his lightning covered arm. He cut off konan's wings and she fell to the ground unconscious but alive. Next was pain. Sasuke dodged all the chakra rods pain through. He ripped the rinnegan right out of his eye sockets and crushed tem with his palme. For good measure he chopped his head off. Lastly was Orochimaru Sasuke stopped him. He stood in front of him glaring an unforgivable glare. "You make me sick" Sasuke stated before he put all his chakra into one strike killing Orochimaru effectively. But the strike hadn't totally got him. Orochimaru's neck surged forward and he bit. The curse mark appearing on Sasuke's shoulder. The young boy screamed from the pain. "Your mine now Sasuke" Orochimaru cackled before passing out from the pain.

The image rippled and shattered Sasuke awakening in a silent scream tears streaming down the boys face. He quickly rushed to his mirror and checked his neck. He breathed a sigh of relief. No curse mark. He silently made his way out of his room and peered into Itachi's room. Then he did the smae thing with his parents. Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief. "It was just a nightmare" sasuke sighed crawling back into bed. He soon fell back asleep. Little did the young Uchiha know but a figure stood in the Shadows of his room. Orochimaru cackled quietly. "It seems Sasuke is going to be harder to persuade than i thought. Good night boy. I hope you liked your nightmare" Orochimaru said pocketing a syringe smirking evily.

"Aaah! Holy sharingon! He drugged me! When the fuck-? How did he? What the hell!!" Sasuke screamed clutching his hair as he scrubbed at his scars yet again.

"I think we can add breaking and entering to the list...." Sakura said shakily.

"And human experimentation.... !!That counts right? He did stick me with some unknown substance....gaah what was in that thing!?" Sasuke asked frantically his scrubbing increasing.

"Not poison..." Naruto offered.

"That doesn't help me dobe!"

"Well we have two things on orochimaru but we still have nothing on danzo!" Shikaku complained.

"Not long now.....Sasuke's almost four dad" shika said.

I guess that explains the real people in your dream.... Orochimaru had met nagato and konan" jiraiya said nodding in apology to Sasuke.

Team 7 breathed a sigh of relief. That had been close.

"Nooo!" Sasuke yelled suddenly charcoal eyes wide as he dove for the flower. Anything..... Anything but this.

I'll update again when i can! Don't forget to comment! 😊

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now