All For Money - Epilogue

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After this, it's over.

Please read the author's note at the end, it's sincere but cliche.




7 Years Later

"Hale, can I come in?"

I looked up from the form I was filling out and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. My neck ached. Who knows how long I was bent over my papers like that. "Sure, cheif."

The cheif police officer sat down across from me, and I swiftly ripped my glasses off of my face. If i wasn't looking at text, it hurt my eyes. "Is there something I can help you with?" I asked, suspicious of why he was suddenly taking interest in me.

I was the rookie police officer, working my first year. He'd been here for 20 years.

"I just wanted to say that you did a great job today taking down that gang single handedly. On a normal day, it's a small celebration. But since you're just now returning from a GSW deserves an award. Great job."

"Thank you sir," I thanked.

"When I got back from that shot in the leg, I got stuck with the paperwork. But you were shot in the chest, and your first day back you take down a gang? I'm so impressed."

"Is there another reason you came here besides to congratulate me?" I asked.

"There was one more thing. I'll handle that work. You go home."

"Really? Are you sure?" It was unlike him to do this. he usually yelled at me every chance he got since i was the new kid.

"Positive. Go home. I'm sure your little boy Travis misses you."

"He does. Kayla had to work full time to cover us while I was out. Poor girl is about to explode." I chuckled, and he did as well.

"You're back now. No worries. I'll see you tomorrow, Officer Hale," he concluded, waving at me as I stood up and grabbed my things. I waved back as I left.

Six weeks ago, I had been battling a robber with a gun that didn't go down when he got tazed, and before I could get him again he had shot me in the chest with a pistol. I had a 30% chance of surviving, and thankfully, I did.

I couldn't die knowing my four year old had to grow up with no daddy.

The only I had was my police car. I drove it everywhere. From crimes to McDonald's. It went anywhere I did.

I hadn't moved much from when I was a teenager. I just moved to the other side of Denver. My mother and father reunited and moved to California. Lilly is attending college and living with them. They left me.

But that was okay. I had gotten married, had a child, and none of us have spoken to each other since I got accepted to University of Denver.

Lexi's parents left to Seattle because it was painful without Lexi. Stephen is God-knows-where. I would assume New York since they allow gay marraige and he proposed to Chase a couple years ago, before he got accepted to some college.

Dani co-owned a Starbuck's downtown with Jared. They had gotten married and now had a little five year old, Joel, that loved to come over and play with Travis. Lexi's death brought us close together, knowing we all loved her, but it was possible to overcome it.

We hung out at least once a week.

I pulled up to the driveway of my one-story townhouse. It was small, with only three bedrooms and not much space, but we liked to save our money for a rainy day.

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