All For Money - Chapter Fourteen

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So alot of you thought that was unexpected.

I didn't wanna do it, but I don't want to get stuck and have to take this down. Not after so much more people like it.

Anyways, to the book.


Chapter Fourteen


It's been two weeks since the break up. Both of us were unhappy, I could tell by the empty look in her eyes when she walked down the hall.

I still missed her. She's the one that dumped me. I just wanted a little break to make sure I didn't ever yell at her again, but she took it to the next level, and the next thing I know, I'm single.

Now that I think about it, I don't think it mattered to her if I yelled at her again. Like she said, everybody gets mad at something once in their lives. We were both out of line in the fight, but I came out on top to be the biggest idiot in the world.

I let her slip through my fingers, and now I was miserable beyond belief.

 "Dear God, the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around, when I'm much too far away..." I sang to myself. it was true. I hoped she was happy if she was going to love somebody that wasn't me. I was okay with that.

As long as she was happy.

I plucked at my guitar's strings quietly, sitting on my bed. I still continued to be single. I saw Jared making sure we still weren't together earlier at school today. I was happy for him. He obviously liked her, and now he got his shot.

I was still miserable though.

My mother opened the door, walking in and just watching me for a couple seconds as I mumbled lyrics to the song. "You still miss her, don't you?"

"I'm a fool, Mom," I replied, stopping. "I let her fall right through the cracks, and now I can't get her back, no matter how much I love her."

"Son..." she trailed off, sitting next to me. "There's the really old saying. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, than you were meant to be. Give it a couple weeks, and if she's not back, than she's not worth your time."

I looked down. "I want her to come back so bad. She's all I can think about, Mom. Do you get that?"

"I get that," she said softly. "I do. At one time, I felt like that with your father. We did work out until your sister was born. Then money got tight, and we started fighting, and now... we're divorced and we have custody of our chosen kid. Now, you might not end up like that, but it's a possibility."

"I just miss her. It's like every inch of me aches for her."

She sighed. "It's called heartbreak, honey. Everybody expreiences it at one time or another. And I do think this is your first time with it."

"She probably isn't heart broken right now."

"You don't know that. She could be crying in bed still in her pajamas surrounded in tissues. Or she might be with another boy. Whatever she's doing, don't let it get on your mind. The first rule is to move on," she explained.

I smiled faintly. "Thanks, Mom."

"Anytime, sweetie. Dinner's in an hour." She kissed the top of my forehead and left the room.



The next day was hard. I still missed Zack dearly, and he obviously did too. He looked like a zombie ever since we broke up in the woods.

The question was who was going to make the move?

I thought about it, but if he doesn't come back to me, than it was never fate. We were never meant to be together. But if he does, I know he will be mine forever.

That was, until I was approached by Jared in the hall.

Jared and I had gotten closer after Zack and I split. I knew he was trying to get out of the friend zone desperately, and I had to admit, he was pretty adorable.

"Hey," he greeted, smiling faintly.

"Hey, Jared," I replied, smiling as well. I grabbed my book and we walked to class together, still talking. It felt good to talk to him, like I could say anything and he would listen and truly care and not get mad.

"I was thinking...did you wanna see a movie with me this Friday?" he asked eagerly, hoping I would say yes.

I still liked Zack, but I couldn't turn down that face. "Of course. Meet me there at 7."

"Really?" his eyes lit up in anticipation.

"Of course. Are you trying to get out of the friend zone?" I asked him, curious if that was the reason, or if he was just being friendly.

"Of course," he chuckled, mimicking me. It was throaty for such a cute face.

"What movie did you plan on seeing?" I asked.

"I dunno. I don't suppose you like comics, do you?" he questioned.

"I do, mostly DC for Batman though."

"Captain America it is," he chuckled. "I'll see you later," he called as he walked into his classroom. I walked through the mess of people to mine.

Barely anybody was here yet, which was a good thing. I sat down in my assigned seat and re-elvaluated my thoughts.

I liked Jared. I liked Zack. Jared was adorable, a good listener, and he was the sweetest thing in the world. Zack was like Jared. He didn't like what he was living, but I also had to watch what was being said to him.

I didn't want to have to do that.

Usually nice guys finished last, but not in my book. They came out on top of the others.

Slowly, people started coming into the room and taking their seats. I, however, just continued to sit there and thank to myself.

I went from no boyfriends for years to being in a love triangle I had no idea how to get out of.


I think I'm going to be writing two-pagers for the rest of my life.

Oh well.

Sorry this wasn't very good. I've been busy with my other story (fans of A7X should go check it out), so yeah.


Vote/comment. c:


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