All For Money - Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


Life was perfect after the first date for Lexi and I. We saw each other everyday, and, slowly, we left the friend zone and started the zone I've been waiting to enter since the day we met in detention.

 "Do you know what day it is?" Lexi asked suddenly, interuppting our one hour streak of cuddling on top of her bed, watching Full House.

"Should I?" I didn't see why we should be celebrating...wait. Was it her birthday?

"It's out two month-a-verseray," she explained. "I didn't get you anything though," she added with an adorable little frown.

"You are enough," I told her. I watched in amusement as her face turned a light shade of pink. I loved making her blush. "But I didn't get you anything either."

"You in my arms is enough," she told me. I smiled sheepishly and pecked her lips.

I heard the door creak open, and Stephen appeared. "Ten o'clock. Emo's gotta go."

"You know, just because my ears are plugged and I don't wear football jerseys or Letterman jackets doesn't mean that I'm emo," I reminded him.

"Say as you wish, sir emo."

Sometimes I really wanted to punch him.

He left the room and I turned to Lexi. "So I guess this is goodnight?" I asked, my lower lip jutted out, pouting.

"Don't make it seem all dramatic. I'll see you tomorrow at school," she promised.

"I know, I'll just miss you," I said sadly.

"You just love to be cheesy, Jared. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I love you."

"Love you too."

I left the room and started down the steps. Life with Lexi felt utterly amazing, and the only thing wrong with it was that Zack was doing everything in his power to get her back and eliminate me from her heart.


"Hit it, Jared."

"I don't want to," I whined, taking a sip from the Coke. The majority of the lighting made the arcade look red. Although it may not seem it, lots of teenagers were here.

The only reason Lexi wanted to come was because of the bowling alley. It only had ten lanes, but the tiny arcade did have one.

"Oh come on. Just hit it," she tried to coax. "I already payed for it."

"Fine." I handed her the soda and stepped up to the plate. I took a deep breath before balling my hand into a fist and punching the little bag hanging from the machine. I watched as the number escalated up, before stopping at 623.

"Not bad," Lexi commented. "But I still beat you."

"Honey, you kick box."


 I laughed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "You have the unfair advantage to that game. I, however, play no sport whatsoever, making me the weak guy."

 She 'awwed'. "Jared, you're not weak. You're skinny, but you're not weak."

I scoffed. "Love you too."

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Of course I do, I just like messing with you like that. It makes you even more adorable. Shall we bowl now?" I suggested, since we were walking towards the little alley.

She looked a bit hesitant before turning to me with a fake plastered smile. "Sure."

I stopped walking, and she looked at me wierd. I knew something was up, and she was trying to hide it. "You were all hesitant. Is something wrong with bowling?"

"No, it's just...the last time I bowled I was on a date with Zack, and our relationship ended really quick after that," she admitted, biting her lip.

I laughed. "We've been together for over two months now. That was on your 3rd day of dating. I think we're past that point. Would you agree?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I guess you're right."

"I always am."

"No need to get cocky." I laughed and, hand-in-hand, we walked over to the bowling alley. Once we had our balls, shoes, and Cokes, I looked over at Lexi. "I can't bowl," I admitted.

She looked up from her shoe, which she was still tieing. "You're in luck. I'm a great bowler, and you are going to learn from me."

"Isn't it usually the other way around?" I laughed.

 "Should it matter?" she asked.

"No, I'm just saying. Usually the boy helps the girl. Now I feel like a girl," I admitted with a frown. That just made her laugh.

She went first, and she bowled a strike with a form you could see on a professinal. I nodded in approval, but inside, I really didn't want to lose to my girlfriend.

When it was my turn, I stepped up and sighed as I picked up the ball. I could do this. No signs on weakness. I stood my ground, walked up, and chucked the ball down the lane.


I sighed and turned to Lexi. She looked deep in thought. Finally she spoke. "Try going to the right. Maybe that will help."

I picked up the other ball and stood to the right, as she had instructed. I rolled it, and, sure enough, I got eight pins. She cheered, and I looked over at her. "That was luck."

We both got strikes after that.

We finished the game off both in the 100s. She still killed me by 60 points though.

We walked out hand in hand to the dark parking lot. I really loved this girl, and I knew she loved me back. If we were still together after high school, I would have to get a ring.

We were about to get in the car when Lexi pulled me into a hug and crashed her lips into mine. We hadn't kissed all night, and it felt good to here. The moon was out, and not a star in sight.

 I pulled away and stared into her brown eyes. "I love you."

She stared back. "I love you too."


This was short.

And pathetic.


I PROMISE I'LL UPLOAD BETTER. And after the next chapter, you're in for a huge surprise that just turns shocking from there.



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