All For Money - Chapter Twelve

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This is the last chapter you get today.


I need to work on my other story.


Chapter Twelve


"Where do you think you're going?"

I turned around and my mother was standing in front of the stairs, hands on her hips. "And why do you have your bowling ball? And look nice?"

I sighed and set my bag that held my ball on the floor. "I'm going on a double date. Me and Lexi, and Alicia and Austin."

"You're bowling. Am I correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"What time do you think you'll be back? I just want to make sure so I don't get worried and intruppt your date," she explained.

"Nine, maybe?" I guessed. I had no idea how long they wanted to be there.

"That sounds good. Have fun, sweetie," she called as I picked up my bag and walked out of the door. The October air was windy and chilly. I didn't have on a jacket; just a light blue dress shirt and denim jeans with sneakers.

I climbed in my car and threw my stuff in the back. I did my best ro remember exactly where her house was and what her address was.

When I finally recalled, I pulled out of my driveway and drove in the night in silence. A crested moon was out tonight. My dashboard was lighting up, and Avenged Sevenfold was playing from my iPod to the speakers.

Pulling up to the house was difficult, since the driveway was squishing in four cars. My guess were her parents, her brother, and herself. I parked by the curb and climbed out.

I rubbed my hands together as I waited for the door to open. When it did, Stephen emerged, and when he saw me, he looked confused. "Zack?"

"I-Is Lexi here?" I stammered, looking around in the house. It was lit, but empty.

"Yeah, she's here. LEXI!" he called up to the stairs. A figure appeared at the foot of the stairs and I couldn't help the smile on my face.

Lexi was dressed in black skinny jeans, a red long sleeve shirt for a band I didn't recognize, and black converse. The outfit framed her body perfectly. She walked down the stairs and slipped on a grey hoodie that was hanging on the couch.

"Ready to go?" she asked, stepping towards us. Stephen left up the stairs without another word. I nodded and couldn't help my grin. She looked beautiful.

We walked out of her house together. We climbed in my car and I started it up by shoving the keys in the ignition. I saw her looking in the backseat out of the corner of my eye and smirked. "Yes, I have my own ball. Is there a problem?"

"Not at all. I just feared that if you have your own ball, than you must be really good," she explained. My smirk grew.

"I'm one of the best. Be very afraid," I taunted, keeping my eyes on the road. I heard her chuckle from beside me.

The bowling alley was a bit more crowded than I had planned. But, then again, it was a Friday night. Nobody was just going to sit at home. They were going to be somewhere.

I had gotten a job at the bowling alley a couple years ago. I got twenty bucks an hour, which was good. Normally you would stay away from work on a Friday night, but just like the guy I am, I'm hanging out there.

I pulled my bag out of the backseat and walked in, hand-in-hand with Lexi. I noticed Austin's SUV was already here. I had told him earlier to pay for us and I'd pay him back.

It didn't take long for them to find us and wave us over. They were already set up on the lane four places away from the far wall, the A's on one of the paired lanes, and us on the other. I guess they wanted teams.

I put my ball in the thing that brings the balls back and slipped on my bowling shoes. I had so much experience bowling; after I found the only sport I liked, I bowled so much my fingers would swell.

I sat down next to Lexi, who had to use house balls and shoes like the others, and put my arm around her. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. "Austin, you're up!" I called.

He stood up and picked up the ball. He didn't even stand on the dots. He tossed the ball down the aisle and it went straight into the gutter. I stifled a laugh and he glared at me as he waited for his ball. The next time, he kept it on two seconds longer before it went into the gutter.

 Alicia went next. I didn't know Alicia that well, I just knew that Austin was madly in love with her by the way he looked at her. She managed to get three pins in total. They were a perfect couple.

 They both weren't that great.

I was up next. I got out of our hold, to Lexi's disliking, and grabbed my ball, which had flames on it. I ran up and thrust the ball out of my hand. It had a curve I didn't remember having. It was so fast it made the pins splatter, giving me a strike.

I smirked as I sat back down, suddenly extremely cocky. Lexi stood up, send me a last rolling of her eyes, and picked up her house ball. The way she threw it was so rehearsed and simple, but it got her a strike. Austin and Alicia oohed, and the smile fell from my face.

"Where'd you learn how to bowl like that?" I whispered in her ear.

"My mom and I used to bowl alot," she explained, joining me back by the seats.

 After two more games of Austin failing to learn how to keep it on the lane, Alicia only getting one half of the spare, and Lexi and I getting strikes and spares everytime, we were all worn out. I won, but Lexi was only 30 points behind.

Austin and Alicia left shortly after, but Lexi and I hung around. When we finally did though, we talked.

"You're a really good bowler," I complimented.

"You're not so bad yourself. Is your dad talking to you again?" she asked out of nowhere.

"I don't want to talk to him, so that's a no," I replied, leaning against my hood. I didn't want to deal with that idiot anymore.

"Why not?"

"Stay out of my business, Lexi. If I wanted you in it, I would let you," I snarled, surprising her and myself. I had never used that tone on her.

I saw her eyes well up in tears and she snapped back. "Well, I'm sorry if I can't be in my boyfriends business!" she shouted.

Nice Zack immediately felt guilty. Monster Zack, who was taking over, just didn't stop. "Just because you're dating me doesn't mean you have to know every little detail about me!"

"What happens if we got married, huh? If I don't know almost every thing about you, how do I know I can trust you? You might be a theif, for all I know!" she screamed.

"If you think I'm a theif, you need to get out." The second the words left my mouth, I felt immediately guilty. Monster Zack went back to his cave. I felt a sharp stinging in my cheek, and a hand flew by. She had slapped me.

"You sicken me, Zack." And she walked off.

I watched her walk, not get in my car. I hung my head in shame.

One week and we were already in trouble.


This will be on hold.

I'm juggling three books at the moment, and once I'm stable with those, I promise I'll update. Promise.

Vote/comment. c:


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