All For Money - Chapter Eight

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It might not be two chapters today. Just one. Why?

I got a life and went bowling again.

The song is a song I can't stop listening to.


Chapter Eight


"Oh, come on, Lexi! You can do better than that! Hit it harder!" my father commanded, coaching me from the other side of the sweaty basement.

I sent a kick to the punching bag hanging from the ceiling. I had gotten out of the routine of kickboxing since the whole bet thing with Melissa, but my father insisted to do some today at 6 in the morning like I used to.

 Kickboxing used to be my mom's passion. She used to teach Stephen and I the basics and much more. By the time she died, we were experts.

I sent a punch to the bag and it flew back. I turned to my dad and smirked, unaware that the bag and swinging and it smacked me in the side of the head. My dad stifled a laugh, and I shot him daggers.

After another half an hour of punching this thing repeatedly, I pulled my gloves off my hands and turned to my dad. "How was that?"

"Like you never stopped," he complimented. "Come on, Carmen's making breakfast."

He didn't seem to understand quite yet that I hated that women's guts for trying to replace my mom in my dad's heart. I just stared at him. "No."

"Oh come on, Lexi. Why won't you just accept that I love her? She's in my life now, Lexi. Get over yourself and be happy for me," he ordered.

"Why should I? I hate her for trying to cover up Mom!" I shouted.

"Don't you dare say she is trying to cover up your mother. Your mother is still number one in my heart. But Carmen...Carmen is a great distraction from the depression."

"Exactly. A distraction from the one person I wish I could get back. You are unbelievable," I spat in his face, throwing down my gloves and storming away. How could he try to distract himself from my mom with that slut?

"She's not just a distraction anymore, Lexi! She's my fiancee!"

I stopped dead in my tracks and faced him. I felt my face turn from mad to shocked. He was going to marry her? "You're kidding."

"I'm not kidding. I'm dead serious, Lexi. The wedding will be January 28th. I'm in love with her, sweetie. Come on, tell me you're happy for me," he pleaded.

In love? Married? Fiancee? My stomach dropped. I didn't want a new mom. She died a year ago, and he was already getting married to somebody ten years younger than him? I backed out of the room, barely able to handle this.

I would never be able to get rid of Carmen. Ever.

I turned around when the door was close. "Lex, don't be lik--"

"DON'T TALK TO ME!" I shouted. I ran out of the basement, fighting back tears. I had gotten over Mom all of a week ago and this was bringing it back.

I walked through the kitchen, which, unfortunately, Carmen was in, cooking waffles. She saw me fuming and she looked concerned. "Lexi, what's w--"

"Shut up," I muttered, which made her go quiet. I walked right up the stairs and straight to my room. I felt betrayed. The one person I felt could relate with the feelings of depression with my mother's death moved on, just like my brother.

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