All For Money - Chapter Twenty-Five

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I have the rest of this story and my Zacky Vengeance fanfic planned out. The PenPal is too recent to really plan.

And my conclusion is... 8 more chapters to go.

Warning: This chapter includes big, shocking news.


Chapter Twenty - Five


The tests didn't stop.

It seemed like they were taking way too much tests then they needed to. It was like they were poking and prodding me just for fun.

I didn't like it at all.

I was in the middle of watching TV when I heard somebody else coming in. Of course. I was due for another test. I lolled my head over and stared at the nurse. "What are you poking me for now?" I said, sounding bored.

She laughed. "No shots today. Just checking your monitors. You feel alright?" she asked, messing with my heart monitor.

"I'm fine," I lied. I was miserable, but it emotionally miserable, so they couldn't help that.

 She stared at me for a second. "No you're not."

I looked up at her. "How did you know?"

"I can see it in your eyes. You're not happy at all. You've known me for all of thirty seconds, but you can tell me what's wrong," she assured me, marking something on the clipboard again.

"It's relationship issues, you probably wouldn't care," I sighed, pulling my iPod off the bedside table and putting my headphones over my ears.

She scoffed. "Please. My daughter's a marraige counselor. I know all about relationships. I'm sure I can help."

I didn't turn on my iPod, but I kept my headphones on. "I caught my boyfriend kissing his ex, who I've had my fair share of issues with. He claimed that it was her that kissed him to my friend, but he's broken up with me before. I don't know if I should trust him."

"Is he genuine to you?" she asked.

"Yes, he loves me with all his heart is what he told me the night before it happened."

"Is the girl jealous of you?" she questioned. She was taking this surprisingly seriously.


She laughed. "He's not at fault. It's the girl. She obviously saw you coming and pulled him into a kiss while she could."

"So I should forgive him...?"

"Of course."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll think about that."

"You should." She wrote one last thing down on her clipboard before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind herself. I turned to my iPod and flipped through the songs until I found a song that alwyas made me happy when I was sad.

I wasn't going to forgive him until he apologized.


It was about 4 PM when my door opened to reveal Dani.

"Hey," I greeted, turning back to the TV.

"You don't sound like you're in a good mood. That mood's about to go downhill anyway. You've got an essay in History to make up," she informed me, taking a seat in the recliner by the bedside table.

"I'm deciding if I want to forgive him or not," I mumbled.

"Who's hi-- Oh, him," she said with a bitterness in her tone. "It's been four days, Lexi. Shouldn't your descision already be made?"


"Why isn't it?" she asked.

"Because it's hard. I don't know if it was a wrong time thing, or it was on purpose, and I won't know until he comes to apologize," I snarled.

"Ohh. I see your dilemma here. You need to hear it yourself from him. I've got it now," she sighed, reclining and pulling out her phone.

"So how was the second date?" I asked, deciding to change the subject.

"It went great," she mumbled, going a little pink.

I chuckled. "What did you do this time?" I knew with that look that she had screwed up somehow last night.

"I kind of spilt my drink all over his new shirt..." she muttered under her breath.

I covered my mouth with my hand and stifled a laugh. I couldn't believe that. "How could you be so clumsy?" I giggled.

"Oh, shut up, Lexi." She stuck her tongue out at me, and I did the same back.

The door opened and Carmen walked in, her hands in her grey sweatshirt's pockets. "It's really cold outside," she reminded us, her teeth chattering.

"Good to know," I said.

She took a seat in the plastic chair by my door and we all did our own things. Iwatched TV, Dani was probably texting Jared to apologize, and Carmen was reading.

We heard the door open and the doctor came in, a saddened look on his face that immediately made my gut wrench.

"Hello," Carmen greeted questioningly.

"Hi," he said, plastering a fake smile on his wrinkly face. He clutched a clipboard in his hand, and he eyed me. "Well, we have the results to your last test. It finally came up positive for something."

My stomach stayed in its knot. I saw Dani and Carmen tense up, as well.

He sighed before speaking the words that would ruin my life forever.

"Lexi has lung cancer."


I waaaarrrrnnnnneeeeddddd yyyyoooouuuuu.

But you kept reading like the little rebel you are.

I know it's short, but I'm positive I'll get a three pager next chapter.

All For MoneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon