All For Money - Chapter Three

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I'm not in the writing mood today, so if this sucks, sorry. :/

But at least next chapter is the show. :D

Welcome to Zack's POV. Obviously, that is Zack. -->

And the song is just what I was listening to at the time. But I think it's funny how they just throw 500,000 dollars away like that. But hey, the intention was made.

They did make a video, didn't they?


Chapter Three


I didn't like what I saw.

What I saw was a face. A hollow face with an expression of pain. His eyes were dull, and he was frowning. Frowning because something in his life was missing. And the thing that was missing was that girl.

I had to remind myself that what I was staring at was my reflection. 

Ever since I saw that waiter at the diner when Mel lost her earring, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. I was a zombie, walking around, my mind daydreaming. And the only time I saw her, I was rude to her.

"Dude, Hale, snap out of it. We got practice in two minutes," Austin called. I nodded absentmindedly and slid my jersey over my pads.

I didn't really like football; grown men running around in tights going after a pigskin wasn't really what I was into. I secretly wanted to lock myself in my room, slip on the bulky glasses I never wore to school, even when I was supposed to, and play guitar, but playing football scored me some popularity points.

 I put on my helmet, clipped it to be secure, and ran out onto the gigantic field. At McKenzie, the only thing that mattered was sports, like a lot of schools. If you didn't have a Letterman jacket or a cheer skirt, you were nothing.

"Woo! Go Zacky!" I heard to the right of me. I turned my head and noticed Melissa bundled up in a jacket (my jacket, might I add), smiling at me. I plastered a fake smile on my face, but when I turned away, I rolled my eyes.

Call me mean, but I just didn't have feelings for Melissa anymore. For starters, she's way too clingy, and she just doesn't know where to stop. I'm pretty sure she's in it to be the school's power couple.

If I could, I would quit the football team, dump Melissa, and forever be a loner walking around with the huge geek glasses and falling for the waiter.

But I just couldn't do that.

 Today was just a practice and drills. I hated drills. We mostly just tackled the unlucky person who got chosen to. Today, it was Austin.

Tackling my best friend wasn't exactly something I wanted to do, but sometimes you gotta suck it up. I'd gotten chosen before and our friendship was just fine after he dislocated my shoulder.

Okay, not perfectly fine, but we still talked to each other.

We all got in a line, facing Austin. He crouched, ready for impact. I was 5th in line. The people trying to impress Austin and be his friend beat me to the back.

Austin was one of the most popular people in school. Of course he had people who did this.

 The first guy went up and charged at Austin. I could see his narrowed eyes from here as he charged as well. The other guy was victorious as he threw Austin into the freshly cut grass. Coach, with his black spiky hair and wild eyes, smirked. "Good job, Jones! Shadows, keep your ground! Lewis, you're up!"

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