{35} Eyes on the fight

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|Mateo| -In the laundry room-

Kyliah and I got up at the same time to help each other with the girls. They are growing so quickly.

"Hush baby girl, mama got you." Kyliah cooed Mauritius, and then shortly after she stopped her cries.

"Bella, can you pass me the pacifier please." She reached over and passed the pacifier to me.
"Thank you honey." I chuckled, mocking my mother.

"Whatever Marti." She came up with the most lamest comeback, so I just chuckled and shook my head.

I turned her head towards mine and kissed her lips. We were making out for a while, before we both pulled apart to put the babies back to sleep. It's only six, so we figured let's put them to sleep for another hour, so we can get ready.

"Get in shower baby, I'll join you in a minute, I just need to go into the laundry room," I told her and she spun around and winked playfully, which made me chuckle. I didn't forget to slap her ass, though.

When I went to laundry room I saw a half naked Charlotte. She was bending over, putting dirty clothing in the washing machine. She turned around and jumped out of her skin.

"Oh- uh I-I'm sooo.. S-sorry." She grabbed a shirt to cover herself.

"You're lucky you're family, but don't mind me." I shrugged and went over to get the neatly folded pile of clothing I was going to wear today. I was about to walk out the door before Charlotte called me.
"Yes." I said, not turning to her.

"Can I ask you something?" She said. I turn around, but not paying attention to her body. I respect my brother's lover and my own.

"Go on." I sigh.

"How much do you love Kyliah? Like I mean truthfully." She asks wide eyed.

"So much that I won't love another. So much id give up anything for her. And so much I'd take my own life for her. If I didn't love her, I'd make her have an abortion during pregnancy." I tell her before walking out the door.

I went upstairs and laid my clothing out on the bed. Shortly after I joined Kyliah in the shower. I hugged her from behind. I entered a finger inside of her, but she turned around took a step back.

"Mateo, I know you may not believe it, but I think Charlotte fancies you." She soaked her hair.

"No Kyliah" I chuckled and put my hands on either side of her face "she's happily fine with my brother and she's like a sister to me." I kiss her forehead. She moves away from me and starts washing her skin.

"Mateo, what kind of sister-type talks about you all day long. Yesterday for instance, I couldn't talk about anything, because she brought you involved. I would be talking to Raye and she would suddenly drift off and mention you. She brought you downstairs so she could hang out with you. However you were talking to me and when you left the living room, I'm sure she said something about she'll have YOU to herself one day." She rinsed her skin. So flipping beautiful, but I think she's due on her period.

"Bella, I don't know what you're trying to predict, but don't you think you're overreacting just a bit?" I see her facial expression harden.

"Whatever. I shouldn't have shared my opinions, because everything seems to be negative in my life, accept from the fact you were blessed to give me twins." She huffed and got out the shower.

"Wait Kyliah!" I called after her, but she just walked into the bedroom in her towel.

"Hi Kyliah!" I heard Charlotte say.

"Why are you in my bedroom?" Kyliah said seriously. Why didn't I think before I speak? All I can say is, that Kyliah is the best at holding grudges.

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