{41} Rage after making love

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After my shower I got into my evening wear; a long black fitted maxi-dress, black and gold christian louboutin heels, and a gold and black Saint Laurent monogram bag. I let my natural curls out -like a wild mane- which Mateo loves, and put a gold sparkly headband around it. I also grabbed a black and gold striped shawl, before I met Mateo in the lounge. I'm a little achey still, but I'm fine.

"Sweet pineapples! You're ready, in such a short amount of time . Let's go meet our fellows." Mateo said sarcastically and then turned off his phone and slid in in his pant's pocket, then smiled at me. He's in a really good mood all of a sudden, or he's hiding something. I had thoughts about cheating, but I knew he wouldn't do that to me, especially on our honeymoon.

"Yeah let's go." I walked up to him and tipped tied, to kiss his cheek. He turned his head, making the kiss land on his lips and then turning it into a delightful peck. "Okay, I think we should go before this, right here, gets deeper." I chuckled and he nodded, pinching my butt.
"That hurts you know" I whine.

"Do you want me to show you what hurts?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No thanks, you've done enough." I opened the front door.


"Aloha and welcome to Saturday night performance fest in Hawaii. If you take this and wait over there" he pointed to a stand "the waiter will assist the both of you to your seats." He smiled and handed us a menu of: food, drinks and desserts.

"Enjoy your meal" The waiter bowed and excused himself, after serving our meals.

"I don't like him, he seems to be the annoying type." Mateo said nonchalantly, putting balsamic vinaigrette sauce on his toasted salad.

"Well old man, it seems to me that you don't like anyone. Starting off with that transgender kid, who was quite cute , in my opinion." I took a big bite of my chicken shawarma wrap.

"Ok, maybe I pick and choose based on what I see on the outside, but that kid was mischievous. I'll prove it to you sooner than later, believe my word as I promise." He rubbed his hands together, before taking a bite of his well seasoned salmon fillet.

"Ok my love" I laughed a little.


The rest of the night went fairly well. The performers were brilliant, keeping me and Mateo wide eyed. The hosts and the waiters were very good also. We both gave the servers a tip, with their precessional hosting skills.

"I wanna go into the water." I soothingly, in time with the waves from the coast below. I had both of my arms wrapped around Mateo's forearm, as we walked in the sand, with our shoes in our hands.

"At this time? You do realise it's going to be colder than the ice bath you and Zillio complained about." He mocked me.

"Yes, now come on!" I tried to pull him along. He dropped his shoes and lifted me up, bridal style. I then dropped my shoes in the sand and he ran toward then water. Before we stepped foot, we took off each other's clothes. He then held my and pulled me into the water with him.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed "ah yi yi! I can't do this, shit! Fuck!" I jumped.

"Bella I told you so, plus with all that swearing, people might think you have a disorder." He shook his head.

"Whatever bitch, if you were human you'd know how cold it feels." I shudder. Mateo approaches me and hugs me, surprisingly he was warm. Maybe he is immortal??! Or I read too much books!

He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his torso. He then went deeper into the water, where the water sat midway through my thighs. He kissed me, whilst fiddling with my underwear. He moved my thong aside a bit and pulled down his boxers. As soon as I felt a light wave come from behind, Mateo entered inside me and it felt extraordinary. He was going in time with the breeze and it felt sensational.

When dawn struck, we got up from the beach and headed to the hotel. We both had a quick wash before cuddling up with each other, talking about our girls and all the local family members. However, when I asked about hearing from his parents he hesitated and I asked him why. He said he didn't want to talk about it and I said why. He had a go at me, which had taken me by surprise. At that moment I knew something was wrong, and he was trying to hide it. He apologised, but I didn't want to hear it. I pushed him away and laid closer to the edge of the bed. All I know that he has explaining to do tomorrow.

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