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I got out my steaming hot jacuzzi and dried myself off with my black towel. I then hear my bedroom telephone ring multiple of times. I walk out my suite and into my bedroom to answer the phone.

"Alberto parlare e Ive ha ottenuto gli inviti per un servizio di moda in Cina e vorrebbe che tu venga . Che ne dici ?"
~hi Mateo! its Alberto speaking and ive got invitations for an fashion shoot in china and would like you to come. what do you say?~

"sicuro. basta inviarmi le date e gli orari tramite e-mail ." I replied.
~sure. just send me the dates and times through email.~

"ok. parlare con te più tardi, bye" my friend said.
~ok. I'll talk to you later, bye~

"Ciao" I said bye, before hanging up and putting the phone back on the holder.

Before I had a chance to put my cologne on, someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I shout from the bathroom.

"Firecracker" the southern American girl said, entering my room without permission. How did she get up here anyways without getting stopped by security? I was about to question her to as why she's up here, but she untied the robe and revealed her naked body. She shut the door and walked over to me slowly. She then put her small hand on my chest pushed me down on my special made-oversized bed and sat on my crouch area. She started moving her bony hips around and around, which made my southern buddy go north. She pulled down my boxers and grabbed a huge chunk of me and then entered me inside her. She was one of my hook ups when I needed her and we would go on until I had enough. She was a beautiful girl, who doesn't know what to do with her life, but I don't own her and I don't don't care.

I turned us over so I was on top. I went harder and faster and she kept moaning and tried to grab my hair. However I'm not a fan of people grabbing my hair during sex, so I pinned her hands above her head.

"Yes Papi!! Yes!" She screamed. I went faster and faster feeling her cum, but I want ready yet. I carried on and she kept crying for me to stop. These women need to understand that I won't stop until I feel to stop. I tell them this every time and they still beg for me.

After my release I pull out of her and go and clean myself up. When I come back into my bedroom I still see her there.

"Why are you still here?" I say firmly.

"You've recked me, I can't move" a tear rolls down her cute looking face.

"Well can I Papi tell you something?" I say and she nods and smiles as I approach her.
"I don't give a fuck! Now get your flat ass up and get out of here!!" I yell at her. She jumps up and tries to scurry out the room, but keeps falling. When she left I called up a maid to change my bedsheets. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but she signed up to be a quick fuck if mine and that's it. Now a bitch is going to be treated like a bitch. It's not like I haven't told them my policies before they become my fuck toys.

I get ready in my black tux suit for tonight's dinner. I invited a small range of my family so we could catch up on business and stuff.

When I made my way downstairs I see that my guests have arrived and are already seating at the dining table. I greeted my five uncles who has turned up, my six aunties and my parents. In total there was fourteen of us here eating tonight, as this was only a quick catch up meeting. Staff was serving them and entertaining them as I was upstairs sorting out my problems.

We had dinner and had a chat about my business upgrade. Everyone wants me to get married before I move on with my business. My mother and father are going on and on about Grandkids and all I can say is that I'm not ready yet.

After dinner my family guests went home, I told the maids to tidy up the dining room. Then I went on my PS4. Every man has their moment when the want to play games online by themselves. Normally I go out with my mates, but I need some alone time. I played black ops for a bit before switching it off and sorting out some of my files tomorrow's work. When I was done I went to bed and checked all my media.


~Thanks for reading! Hope you like this short Pov.~

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