{24} Not ready yet

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Poorly Kyliah^^
Kyliah's pov

"She's awake!" I hear Zillio's voice faintly.

I then felt a big strong hand, hold mine and light kisses all over my face. My eyes flutter open and I see a happy grinning Mateo.

"Morning Daddy," I smirked, reaching up for a kiss, but feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Take it easy baby." He sat in a seat next to me. I saw I was attached to wires and in a hospital bed.

"Nice to see you're ok Kyliah." Zillio smiled.

"Ok? I'm fine, but why am I in the hospital?" I start to worry.

"I tell you later Bella, when you're a little better." Mateo rubbed my hand.

"No! I deserve to know why I'm hooked up on these machines." I start to get frustrated.

"*sighs* well don't panic, but you've been drugged by your father. I know you believed he was dead, but he isn't. Network and history says he owns a cartel and small, ruthless empire. He drugged you and took, you may not believe it, but he was going to cell you to the highest bidders. He destroyed in the protection base, so we've moved. Your friend is fine, but you can't tell her anything I've told you, or anyone for that matter." He tried to say it in a cooing way.

"Okay, but do you know where he is?" I asked.

"Dead." He said, as if he tried not to upset me, but he didn't, in fact I smiled, knowing my free.
"You're not upset? Even if I said I snapped his neck?" He was confused by my actions in response.

"Even better, why would I care about him when he's abused my whole life. He tortured my mother in front of me and then ran, leaving me there. Weeks later it said on the news he was dead, so how did he fake it?" I kinda ask myself.

"Sorry to butt in, but he's a very rich man, who's been tracking your every movement. I'm sorry to say Kyliah, but we found your mother's diary, which said, your father made you for money. He violated your mother, so one day he could keep you for himself. He was planning on selling you when got older enough. His offing for you was ten million dollars. In my eyes, that's nowhere near enough from what we see." Zillio hugged me and kiss my cheek, before a tear ran down my face.

"I'm a pawn?! A mistake! A used piece of shit!" I let go of Mateo and clenched my fists.

"Bella, stop. You're not a mistake, otherwise why would God put you on the Earth? You are my living heart and soul, my angle and Godess, and you are definitely no where near close to a piece of shit." Mateo said calmly, although his eyes were filled with anger he tried not to show it.

"First of all, don't even say God's name and say he put me the Earth for a reason, because you don't believe in him." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's not that I don't believe in him, because I do. I just ain't religious. And Bella you were meant to be on this Earth for me and our Child/Children." He smiles towards the ending.

"Well we've got a long way, before we think about babies" I chuckle.

"Eight months Bella." He grins, like a full on grin. He's not the happy mood-looking type of guy, more of the serious demanding type.

"What do you mean?" I gave him a weird look.

"The doctors said you were pregnant Bella, by one month." My face pales for a second, which felt like hours. The only word replaying in my mind was that you're pregnant, you're pregnant, I'm fucking pregnant!
"Baby?" Mateo's voice echoed in my head.

"I'm fine. I'm just.. Uh.. Stunned, in shock and very surprised. It doesn't feel real." I start rubbing my wrists. Uh oh! This was a really bad habit I had when I was younger, when I got nervous or scared and it made my wrists red and sore. I didn't break out of the habit until I reached university.

"Bella, stop doing that." Mateo grabbed my hands, when he realised I wasn't going to stop. "Don't do that okay. It will be ok, I will provide you everything you need for our baby when it comes to the time." He kissed the back of my hand.

"I'm not ready though. I haven't even started my life. I haven't even completed five of the thing I want to do before I die. I haven't been Europe or back to England. I haven't-"

"I get the point Bella. If... You don't want this child you can always ab- no that's not okay!-" he was going red in the face, my daze.

"I'm not thinking of an abortion, Mateo. I would never do that, ever, but I'm just not ready yet. I'm happy but I don't think I'm over the moon. If the baby lasts for eight months, I'm sure I'll grow to love it more than I do now." I interlocked our fingers and Zillio awed.

"Don't say 'if' Bella, be positive all the way." He leaned over and kissed me.

"But OMD! I'm pregnant?!" The excitement hits me all of a sudden and Zillio laughs.

"Is everyone ok?" The doctors popped his head through.

"Yeah." We all say.

"Good. One more day here and you are free to go." He unhooked the wires, accept from the drip and left.

"Mateo, if you know all this information about people and you're not apart of the system, what do you do for a living, other than owning most of the companies in Italy?" I asked as curiosity struck.

"I also own a empire, practically a big Mafia or Mob, whatever you like to call it." He looked deep in my eyes again.

"So you kill and rob people?" I asked, not actually scared.

"I kill the bad, and we don't rob people. I just take what's mine and what's been stolen from me or family. I would do anything to protect my family." He simplified it.

"On ok. Well I'm not as scared I thought I'd be, but oh well." He kissed me and i smiled.

"Good. I'm going to get some food for the three of us." Matt kissed my hand before exiting the room.

"Okay! Now mommy chats!" Zillio jumped in the seat beside me. It's to early for this!

|thnx for reading. Absolutely nackered! Soz if this chapter was shit. Vote and comment, if u like X|

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