{21}Father and Son

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|Mateo's pov|

Next day...
shit! The bitch has snitched. Soon I'm going to burn her just like a witch. I kept thinking to myself.

"Father." I greeted him in a hug, but he pulled away and gave me the traditional kiss on the cheek. "Mr. Vondik" I shook his hand. I saw Olinque looking as beautiful as ever, and holding a car seat. I didn't say nothing to her, but let her pass. I shut the door and sighed.

"So explain why you are all here." I say blankly.


"Good morning everyone! I've made breakfast for you all, but don't worry I won't be in your way, I'm going out with Zill anyways." Kyliah's presence and voice, brightened the hallway. Mr. Vondik and Olinque were frowning at the fact she cut my father. However she didn't know, plus my father was grinning at her.

"Oh, how good to see you again Kyliah. Beautiful as always." My father kisses the both of her cheeks and she smiles.

"Good morning Mr. De'Luca!" She smiled warmly. Her million dollar smile was enough to make any man go crazy.

"What did I say about that? Call me papi or papà" he smiled at her. Her smile dimmed a bit and she looked at me.

"padre , mi chiama che" ~father she calls me that~ I said in Italian and chuckled a little.

"Oh. Well darling, just call me dad or father then." He kissed her hand. If that was anyone else if rip their throats out.

"Alright then." She smiled again, which made Olinque have a smug look on her face. "How rude of me, good morning to you Mr. Vondik and Olinque." She tried to keep up her smile, but me and my father sensed that she was uncomfortable. She shook Vondik's hand anyways and was about to shake Olinque's but hesitated. Olinque pulled her into a half hug and Kyliah quickly pulled away with a straight face. Damn! Angry and bossy Kyliah was actually sexy, but I'm the big bad wolf, big daddy and up in the hierarchy, so I like so me dominant. -cocky much.

"Kyliah, where are- oh well, there you are. Mattina father and brother. Come Ky we need to go." Zillio kissed my cheek and my father's cheek, before dragging Kyliah out the door with her. I turned and pulled Kyliah by the waist.

"Bella, you didn't give me a kiss." I pretend to do puppy eyes. I didn't care if people are around, this is my treasure and mine only. I'll value you her in any way I wish to.

"But PDA and I'm not a fan." She pouts. I don't she realises she does that ALL OF THE TIME, but she needs to break out of it.

"I don't care. We're in my house and I do what I like with I like, so kiss me otherwise you ain't going." I blackmailed.

"Fine, but only so I can catch up with Zillio. Know not to blackmail me again." she kissed cheek, which wasn't fair. I'm going to get her later, because I wanted a proper kiss. She walked out the door and I shut it behind her.

"Everyone follow me." I show them do the second living room. This living room is more formal and where small talks are held. "So someone explain" I sat down on the sofa.

"She seems like a lovely girl, but I think you should stop with the side models and start focusing on your love life." Mr. Vondik said, which pissed me right off. I clenched my jaw and my fist. Within seconds he was up against the wall with my hand around his throat.

"She's my fucking fiancée you bastard!" I was about to throw a punch in his face but my father stopped it.

"Calm yourself son. And fiancée?" My father raises his eyebrow.

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