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Kyliah's Pov

I was in the middle of watching scandal. It was one of my favourite programs and I was all caught up in the drama which is interesting. I put my hand back into the bowl to find that I've ran out of popcorn. *sigh. I look to my right to reach over to my cola and find my glass was empty. *kmt(kiss my teeth). I hate these moments. It happens to be like nearly all the time. As soon as I get up to pour some M&Ms into a bowl, my doorbell rings. I answer it to see a big grin on my best friend's face.

"Well hi Kate." I give her a questioning look. She pulls me into a rough hug and pushes me, before strolling inside. He plots herself down on my sofa and screams and claps her hands.
"Okay..why have you been taken drugs?" I shut the front door,

"We're going China, just how we've always wanted! Start packing! We leave tomorrow afternoon!" She says almost too quickly.

"Hold up. What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I got two invitations and two tickets to a fashion shoot on China. I done this quiz thing and I was the only one out of thousands of people who got 100%. I won us two VIP tickets to China. We gonna be linking up with big time business owners, celebrities and will spend two whole nights there!" She said not taking a breath. You could see her face turn bright red, like a strawberry which was cute.

"You need to slow down before you bite your tongue" I chuckled.
"But China?! For real?!" I shout out getting excited.

"For real. For real!" He jumps up.

"Ok ok I better pack!" I squealed and pulled her into an exciting hug.


Three hours later after packing my stuff, me and Kate started discussing things about China. We ordered Pizza and started to watch horror films.

"Ahh!" We both scream and hide under the covers. Not before long we start laughing.

"Wimp" I call her.

"And you're not?" She laughs. "Oh shit." She grunts, looking at her watch.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I need to go. I'd love to stay but I can't. Anyways I'll call me by round two o'clock tomorrow and drop you by the airport." She says and I nod understandingly. I kiss her cheek as she does the same before I show her out.

After seeing Kate out I decided to tidy up a bit. When I'm done I get a shower and hop into bed. I hadn't realised how tired I was until I fell asleep three minutes later.


"May I help you?" A mixed guy with the brownest eyes asked.

"No thanks" I give an polite smile. It's nice that he offered to carry my bags, but I'm capable.

"How about you?" He smiled at Kate, asking to put her bags in the plane.

"Uh..yes please" she blushed and he smirked. He put her bag on the shelf of the plane and winked at her before he went to seat himself somewhere at the back.

"I think someone's got a crush" I wink and nudge her.

"Maybe" she bites her lip nervously.

"Uh oh." I say shocked.

"What?" She asks me.

"He's already got a girl, look" I see a brunette girl sit on his lap and make out with him. He the pinches her butt before slapping it.

"Fuck them" mate says, making me laugh.


After hours of travelling to China we finally made it. I woke Kate up when the plane landed so we could make our way out of the airport. I took a few selfies on our arrival. Then I realised that I was actually in China.

"I can't believe we made it Ky." Kate says looking around.

"I know right. Come let's order a cab before the summer up the prices." I grab her hand and we head over to get our suitcases. When we got them a Chinese looking man in a suit came up to us.

"Hello ladies. I'm Lee Yang and will be your tour guid throughout your stay. First of all I'm going to take you to your hotel and help you settle in" the small 5'4 guy spoke.

"Why should we trust you? You could be one of those men who kidnaps girls and then sells them, just like in taken." I say.

"Well I've got ID and prof" he said in his thick Chinese accent.

"Show us then" Kate said impatiently. The guy showed us and we agreed on going with him. We got in a black limousine and made our way to the hotel. For some reason me and Kate held hands on the way, cautious reasons.

The vehicle suddenly stopped and the guy in the front pressed the speaker thing so we could here him from the back.

"Ladies we have reached our destination" is all he said before mine and Kate's door opened. We thanked the men who open the door for us and headed towards five star hotel.

"Jeesh! How smart are you Kate?" I glance at the designer looking hotel building.

"Didn't know I was was that smart, but if passing test gets you to places like this I'm gonna go back to college." He said rather loudly.

"Yeah you should go back to college and study again because if you work hard enough you could be the owner of this place" I shrug the chuckle, knowing its actually a lot harder than people think.

"Well easy for you to say because you've past university!" I shake my head at her craziness.

"Well I've got to start looking for some jobs, before I go into my career." I say and she nods.

"Come lets go!" She practically drags me across the pathway of the hotel.


There was one huge room with everything you need in it. Me and Kate shared the king sized bed and decided to go to sleep. We were excited for the day ahead of us. I was mostly excited to go to the fashion show, whereas Kate was looking forward for or 'born ready' for the after parties as she says. This Wigga -don't judge with my terms of words- besides me will be the death of me and that's why I love her. Everyone's entitled to have that hype and crazy best friend who practically blows up your phone 24/7 and who's annoying as fuck, but they're the only bitch you love as a sister.

~thanks for reading! Next chapter should be good.

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