{43} GB*sigh

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"Why are you.. AHAHAHAHA, why the heck you in a wheelchair!" Zillio shouted, making everyone around us look, when we got out the jet.

"Shut the fuck up." I say moodily/seriously. I know we landed outside the mansion, but the people around us were just starring.

"Okayy, I'll wheel you in." Zillio tried to not hold back her laugh. I was outraged, if I could I would get up and cut off all of Mateo's limbs slowly, and dump Zillio in the middle of the ocean, tied to an anchor that weighs over a ton. "So enjoy your honeymoon?" She asked as we past the entry.

"It was incredible, absolutely amazing. I loved every single part, accept from the last day. That was not any pleasure at all." I crossed my arms. "Just know I'm not speaking to that brother of yours, he can go fuck himself." I scrunched up my face.

"Oooh! He punish-"

"How good to see you Kyliah!- oh what happened? Why you in a wheelchair?" My new mother-in-law, Gia asked obliviously. I'm sure she knows though, didn't Mateo's dad do it to her?

"We were swimming on The Island and a rock cut her thigh, it was pretty deep that I was sure she needed a wheelchair." Mateo's deep voice boomed from the top of the stairs. I think that was a pretty numb lie, but Gia actually seem to fall for it. But I wouldn't tell my mother about sexual activities either.

Hours later, I could stand up, but not walk. I was currently in the play area, playing with my two daughters. Abel and his girlfriend, was playing with them too. I tried to keep my distance from Mateo. I'm sure his sexual punishment was worst than his torturous one. Anyways enough about him, Abel was telling me and his new girlfriend, Shannon, about his high school story. I forgot to mention, he dumped the other girl because he found out she was a gold digger. I was surprised to hear. I actually love listening to these stories, because I've been through their years, and you feel like a mom to them when they can look to you for advice.


"Kyliah can I borrow you for a second?" Mateo said as if he was dead serious.

"Are you asking or telling me?" I questioned back.

"Telling, now come." He said calmly. Shannon 'scanned' Mateo up and down, seeing him for the first time.

"Is he you uncle?" She whispered, specifically to Abel.

"My cousin." He corrected.

"Do you mind taking over?" I handed Shannon Kyndall.

"No problems." She smiled sweetly.

I got up, feeling a lot of pain. I had enough of this wheelchair business, but managed with all my strength to walk out the room. As soon as I shut the door I accidentally fell into Mateo's arms.

"Careful baby." He chuckled. "Daddy punished you well, let me know if you want more." He winked. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I spoke.

"To tell you I'm actually apologising, I'm sorry my beautiful queen." He kissed my forehead.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. He hurts me, I hurt him and he is allowed to get back at me? That's not fair, and I can't beat him. It's hard holding a grudge, but I hate letting him off.

"Come on bella." He kissed my neck, but I pushed his head away.

"Move the fuck away from me, you.. You bastard!" I blurted out, not having nothing else to say. He gave me a puzzled look, I was on the verge of actually crying, but I managed to hold it in. I went back in the room and shut the door in his face.
Shannon and Abel looked pale; wondering what was going on, but scared to ask.

"Um, so.. What's your favourite colour Kyliah?" Shannon said, trying to make conversation.

"Purple...You know what? Abel, help me take the girls to their bedroom. I'm going to lie them down and go out for a bit. Ask Zillio or Mateo to keep an eye on them." I said before taking Kyndall from Shannon's arms. He nodded and followed behind me.


The cool night's wind, lightly blew on me. The fresh peppermint smell in the atmosphere, made my nostrils tingle. The big white moon, which was full tonight, had a little dark wound. It made me think about all the things that was in my life. How grateful I am. How happy I am. How angry I still am at Mateo. And just then when I thought about Mateo, my phone buzzed in my coat pocket and guess who's name come up?...
Yep you guessed it, his.


"Kyliah, where are you?" He asked worriedly.

"Go check in your HQ, why don't you just track me down?" I said sarcastically. I kicked the small stone, which was on the park's pathway.

"I can't, I deactivated your phone and everything else. I know you're mad at me, but it's cold and it's dark and I need my wife home. Anything could happen, please tell me." I could hear the blood boiling in his voice, even though he sounded calm.

"Oi Oi! Hottie!! Yeah you, the one on the phone! What is a beautiful woman like you doing in the park at this time? You want to play some fun and games?" Some silhouette male figure leaned against the tree, smoking a cigarette.

"You're in the park?!" Mateo raged. "Ky-"

"Mateo, come to Woodland park, now! More guys in vans have turned up. I'm scared, save me!! They're going to..I love youu-" before I knew it I was sedated.


"Kyliah wait!!" No! This can't be happening. Okay Mateo, calm down, work mode, work mode, work mede. "I know you're listening, I can hear you breathing. And I will also hear you last breath too! Where are you taking my wife? Plus why do you want from her?" I said seriously, pasting up and down the halls.

"We want $66.2 billion dollars, you'll soon see who it is. If we don't have our money by next week, we're going adding another Million. Bye Mr. De'Luca, we'll sure have fun with her." A group of men started laughing, before this unknown voice hung up.

"ZILLIO! CODE PURPLE.01!" And immediately I called for a meeting/plan with my top me.

"They're going to act like thugs and usual kidnappers, but we know there's a plan and plot to it. They're smarter than we think, all I've figure so far, that they have ties with us or you?! I'll have all information by 4am." Zillio walked into the 'Private' room.

"Ok, you and your team do that, and I'll go and I'll make a plan with Micha." I told her. I stood up and hugged her from her side and kissed her cheek.

"I know she means everything to you Mat, but we'll find and track her. Oh, and why didn't you track her phone earlier?" Zillio asked.

"To see if she'd be honest with me. I trust her, but she was mad, so I knew she wouldn't tell me." My blood starts to boil again.

"Oh no! Love you bro, but let me get on these people," my sister kissed my cheek, before running into De'Luca HQ.

If I never -accidentally- hurt her that night, she wouldn't of pulled my hair and I wouldn't of punished her. We could've come home, "happy" and she wouldn't of gone out this night. This is my fault and I feel like hell for it. If anything happened to her I couldn't live with myself.

"Boss, we found her! She's with the GB gang." One of my trackers told me. Oh not these lot again! *sigh

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