{36} Gia?

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I woke up with cold beads of sweat dripping down my face. My vision was blurry and all I saw was black figures. I could only hear echoing in the background. Suddenly, everything went black and quite again.

Moments later, I feel a big soft hand hold mine. I instantly knew it was Mateo. I smiled and heard him speak to me.

"Phew, Bella you had me worrying. Speak or squeeze my hand if you can hear me." He said concerned.

"I passed out Mateo, not waking up from a major surgery." I chuckled.

"I know baby, just concerned." He bent down and kissed me. "I'm sorry for earlier. Can you forgive me now?" He pecked my lips and then done puppy dog eyes.

A tear rolled down my face, from remembering what I had done. Mateo whipped away my tear and kissed me in the same spot.

"I-I.." I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, without breaking down.
"Killed s-someone Mateo!" I cried, not being able to hold it anymore. Mateo unhooked the drip, which was attached to me. He then pulled me onto his lap, as I cuddled into his chest and cried.

"Hush Bella, everything will be alright." He rocked me and said soothingly. "It was by accident ok Bella. No ones mad at you and I'm sure God will forgive you if you ask for it and you truly mean it." He lifted up my head and kissed my lips softly.

"Thank you Bello." I cuddled into his chest again, wiping away the silent tears what I didn't let Mateo see.
"I'm so sorry though...*sniffle* I feel terrible for Izzy. I actually liked him, but now he's going to hate me." I grab a fistful of his shirt.

"He's gotten over it, and Bella he would never hate you." He said calmly, as if I didn't kill a woman.

"Why are you so calm? I know you've don't this before, but she was like a family, a thriving family bitch!" I mumbled to myself, but Mateo chuckled, so I'm guessing he heard.

"Izzy just found out her secrets. One, she's been cheating on him for over a year. Two, Raye isn't even his child. Three, she was actually working with Xavier's Mafia, but all his men are killed and so it she -meaning we've got ourselves a new check if $950M dollars." I was flabbergasted by the amount of money.

"How did he earn all that money?" I asked.

"He stole it from the English government. They know it was him, so if I give it back to them, I'll bribe them in giving me half of the amount." He smirked and I shook my head.

"I want to apologise to Izzy and I need to ask the Lord to forgive me, and I need to be sentenced life in prison. I don't know what kinda place in Italy you were born, but where I come from you would be sentenced life or executed for taking another's life." I turn to look at him and he just looked at me like 'are you serious?'.

"Bella please compose yourself. Stop thinking about it now, we need to be caring for our daughters." He said calmly.

He picked me up and whispered something in my ear, which made me absolutely phenomenal.


"We're going to get vowed in a month's time and you need to be here. The girls are getting so big now and are missing their auntie." I tell Zillio over the phone.

"Awh, don't worry babes I'm going to be back in a week. I'm helping with dressing shopping and the cake!" She said excitedly.

"Of course, oh and I'm pregnant again!" I joked.

"You're what?! How-"

"I'm joking! *laugh* I've already told Matt that he has to wait until the girls reach at least five." I said calmly.

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