{29} Calm day

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Me and Zillio woke up roughly around ten AM. I heard no babies crying or any noise at all. I felt a little bad for my grudge on Mateo last night, without listening to his side of the story. However, I called his phone ten times, thanked the guests and tried to handle the twins on my own. Couldn't he text me or something at least? And from my viewpoint he was cheating. I felt better sleeping in Zillio's bed, just a little space.

After I struggled to get up and done my Dailey routine, I kinda wobbled/limped down the stairs. The pain has increased massively since coming home from the hospital.

I head into the garden, wanting some of the morning air, before contributing with others. My phone went off and I saw an unknown number.


"Watch your back." And the line went dead.

I rolled my eyes and checked personal messages. I saw one from my cousin Pip, saying how she would like for me to go down to Jamaica and visit the family. I told her how I've just given birth and that I'm in more pain than anyone could imagine. And she congratulated me and then said to visit her when I'm ready.

"Morning Bella, chocolate chip pancakes, with chocolate syrup, bacon and my special old fashioned hot chocolate. Your favourite." I sat up from the recliner chair and placed the trey of food on my lap.

"Good morning and thank you." I smiled. "How did you manage last night?" I asked, wondering how he has no signs of tiredness.

"Well terrible actually. They cry after each other. If Mauritius cried, Kyndall would cry and then Mauritius would stop and then Kyndall would stop. And after all that they'd cry together again." He sat in the recliner next to me. I chuckled at his tough daddy duties.

"How about this morning?" I asked, whilst cutting my pancake.

"Wasn't too bad. But most people were awake and wanted to see them, so I had about half an hour more sleep." He puts his hand on my thigh and I just look at his hand, knowing he was looking at me.

"Why were you late last night Mateo? I call you over ten flipping times." I bring it up. He sighed, knowing I would sooner or later.

"If I told you, are you sure you won't freak?" He asked and I nodded.
"Well I ended chaos in a merciful way" he helped himself to some of my bacon. He was a little nervous by his hesitation, and he never hesitates.

"More detail." I tell him.

"I killed two people and brutally hurt a woman." He said simply and coldly. Shivers ran up and down my spine, as I wasn't expecting that.

"It isn't Aprils fools yet babe." I laugh dryly, hoping what he said wasn't true. I knew he killed my father, but that needed to be done. But I hope my fiancée is some mass serial killer.

"I'm not joking with you Kyliah. Please don't freak, but it had to be done. If it wasn't, then you and I would both be sent to our graves." He said seriously, looking straight at me. I couldn't keep my eyes on him, I was all over the place right now.

"Who were the people you killed?" I drank some hot chocolate to get rid of the lump of nervousness in my throat.

"My cousin and brother. Not Izzy or Aart, so no need to worry. I had a brother who my whole family thought was dead, but my mother hid him and faked his death. I found out he was a psychotic bastard who wanted you and I dead. He claimed that he knew you from high school and that you upset his friend, so when he heard of you he wanted you dead. He found out that we were together, so he wanted me and the rest of the family also dead. My cousin was working for him and tried to kill me first, but I snapped his neck before he could do anything." When he talked about his cousin he had no affection whatsoever.

"What was your brother's name?" I wipe the silent tear, which was actually screaming down my face.

"Xavier." He looked down at his hands.

"That's your brother? We were friends once, like really good friends. He was popular when I was a freshman, but he changed when he come back from Italy. One time I went to give him a welcome hug, but he pushed me onto the floor. I asked him what's wrong and he said Nonik doesn't like me. I asked who that was and he said his friend, I asked where he was, and he said besides him. I told him I didn't know he had an imaginary friend and he got mad at me. I would never forget day." I sigh.

"Well he didn't explain it like that. Plus he's gone for real now, so need to worry about him. We can finally live a happy life with our children." He leaned over and kissed me.
"So do you believe that I didn't sleep with Olinque now?" He smiled and I nodded.

"Oh and who was the woman you brutally hurt?" I didn't forget about that.

"Her. She was in, in all this too." He shook his head.

"Okay. I'm finished with breakfast, thanks it was delicious. But can you do me a favour and take in my trey, whilst I'll try and get myself up." I asked.

"How about I'll take your trey and take you as well, causing you less pain." He suggested and I smiled.


Me and Mateo were relaxing all day with our kids and Zillio. We were planning Christenings, education and marriage already, however Mateo wasn't so happy about the wedding situation. So the rest of the afternoon might've sounded boring, but we just chilled, which was nice, as we knew we might not be having this time to rest.

| pretty boring ending as I had nothing else to think about. Vote and comment! Thanks for reading Xx don't forget to share with your friends!|

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