{16} Day 2 in DW

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The family was heading out early today. We decided to meet at the Disney cafe, at nine. I wore a floral cut dress with gold sandals, whilst Matt wore a checkered shirt and tan shorts. I loved my body and my fabulous figure, it's just if people look in private places I get a bit self conscious. That's normal right?

When we arrived we only saw, Izzy and his family. Terry and Zillio. Ashbel and Abel. We greeted them all and seated at the table.

"So how was everyone's first night?" Zillio yawned. Me and Matt looked at each other with a smile planted on our faces.

"Well Matt and Ky have some explaining to do, because you two are smiling like you're in lardy dardy land." Charlotte rubs her hands together.

"It's nothing, it's just a bit of fun." I smiled. Mateo kissed my temple.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Disney world cafe. Please may I have your orders." The Mini moused dressed waitress asked.

"Can we have, the big buffet breakfast, with verity of drinks please." Izzy said.

"Yep, is that all?" He asked.

"Yes, that is all." Mateo said, putting a hand on my thigh.

"Wait, I know you. You're the De'Luca family aren't you?" She raised an eyebrow. "Can I have an autograph?!" She blushed.

"Uh.. We're not the De'Luca family, were the Morrisons." Zillio lied and everyone agreed.

"Oh? Well sorry then, I'll just go and get your food. But you guys do look awfully familiar." She pushed up her mini mouse head band, before walking away.

"Close one." Izzy sighed.

"There's never a holiday where we wouldn't get stopped." Zillio rubbed her temple. Terry went to kiss her, but she flinched away, making him know she doesn't want to kiss him.


Breakfast went well actually. Matt was a bit clingy, but other than that it went well. Mateo tried to put his hand on my spot, but I kept on moving his hands.

After breakfast, we met up with a few other cousins and explored Disney World a bit more. All morning and early afternoon, we done as the kids pleased. We all enjoyed ourselves with them and I didn't want to say goodbye yet. They're all too cute! Izzy and Charlotte decided head back to the hotel, whilst Terry and Zillio went to museum place and Matt and I went to find some more rides.

"Do you want that?" He asked me.

"Yes please!" I grin. He buys me the big Mufasa teddy.

"Thank you sir." Mateo smiles at the cashier. "Here you go bella." He hands me the teddy. I don't know why I was so happy, but I was. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smash my lips against his. We were kissing for about two minutes before someone nudge into Mateo and I. Mateo's face went from sweet and loving, to angry and intimating.

"Leave it Matt." I put my hand on his cheek, but he seemed like he was zoned out and in his own world.

He moved my hand from him and went over to the man in a white suit, who was laughing about it. He then turned him around and didn't think twice, before giving him one punch in his face. The man just dropped unconsciously on the floor, with no sign of waking up any time soon. I ran up to Mateo and tried to push him away from the man. I was shocked, that I wasn't quite sure what to do.

Two men in black came over to Mateo and I.

"Mr. De'Luca." They greeted and bowed their heads.

"Are you with that man?" Mateo asked them.

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