{epologue} THE END

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Last chapter.

It's been over a year now and my little princesses are getting big now, especially Kamè. Her first name is Kamaya, but we all call her Kamè. She had turned six months from today and is growing so fast. We decided to have a surprise birth, no knowing if it were a girl or boy. Mateo was all up in it thinking it were a boy, and so was I; no girl baby kicks that hard that you almost scream down the place. Kamè had kicked harder than the twins when I was pregnant with them. But we adore her even more now she's born. She's a real daddy's girl as well. Once she's in Daddy's arms all the the crying stops completely. Daddy also loves the fact he's got three princesses and one Queen to spoil, however it would be nice if we had a little prince due in time. Oh and by the way, natural birth is way better than a caesarean.


"Mommy." Kyndall walked into the living room.

"Yas baby?" I replied.

"Can I fweed Kamè?" She asked sweetly.

"Of course. Come sit right back on the sofa then." I directed her, and she ran and jumped on the sofa. I placed Kamè in her arms and passed her the milk. I then took a picture and posted it on social media. Within minutes I thousands of likes and comments.

"Hey family!" Zillio came bursting in.
I was overjoyed at this point, I haven't seen her since the birth of Kamè, six months ago.

"Hey gurrl!" I smile, but it instantly dropped and turnt into a gasp when I saw her belly.

"Yup, I'm seven months now. I hadn't posted nothing on the media, because I wanted this to be more of a private advent." She rubbed her king size belly.

"Do you know the gender?" I asked.

"Boy." She grinned and I gave her the evil eye. "Is someone jealous because she doesn't have a male heir?" She teased. I tempted to give her the middle finger, but realised the girls were around.

"Bella, we have a little Myles a baby Risharna and a Kate who is wanting to see you." Mateo bursted into the living room with Mauritius on his shoulders.

"Oh my daze, send them in!" I said excitedly as I haven't seen Kate and her family for two years. I know, a long time right.

"Auntie Ky!" Myles ran through the door and jumped on me, giving me a big hug.

"Hello speedy Gonzalez." I laughed.
"How's you sweetheart?" I asked the six year old cutie.

"I'm good thanks. Guess what?" He gave me a big grin, showing that his front two teeth are gone.

"The tooth fairy came?" I guessed.

"Yeah, but something else?" He smirked.

"What?" I responded.

"My mommy is having another baby boy, so I can have a brother!" He did a little dance and everyone in the room laughed a little.

"Wow, you're big." I practically wowed when Kate walked in.

"Yeah having twins this time the doctor said. Girl and boy." She handed Mateo Risharna and sat on the on the closest sofa. She was breathing heavily.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Mommy are you okay?" Myles repeated.

"Yeah I'm fine baby, don't worry about me and go play with the girls." She spoke to Myles.

"But like you said I'm the little man of the house, so I have to look after you and everyone else." He said cutely. Awh!

"Awe that's cute. He's a little gentleman. Don't worry Myles, were looking after mommy. How about you go and play with MK." I told him and he nodded.

"Mommy can you take Kamè please." Kyndall asked.

"Of course." I smiled. I took Kamè, so Kyndall could follow Mateo, Mauritius, Myles and Risharna over to the play area.
"You've got the perfect little boy under your wing." I said to Kate.

"I know, I hope he stays like that." She sighed.

"He will, you're doing a great job babe." She cracked a smile to me.

"I don't want him ending up like his father." She added.

"How is he?" I asked.

"In prison. Oh and my new boyfriend is at work, he said he'll pick me up later." She responded.

"Your new boyfriend is the father of Risharna and the twins right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Oh how rude of me! I forgot to say hi to you. How's you Zillio? I see you're about to burst too!" Kate's immature side came out a bit.

"I'm good thanks, and yeah eight months next week." She smiled.

"I'm bigger and I've got another three months." She shook her head.

"Twins!" We all said at the same time, then laughed.

We were all catching up on everything and making a three way conversation about pregnancy and men. Then the girls started bragging about how me and Mateo are the perfect couple, with a healthy settled family. I couldn't help but say,"I know". Then it hit me, meeting Kate was certainly the best thing in my life, because if I hadn't I wouldn't of gone China, and wouldn't of met Mateo and his family, then I wouldn't have created my family. All the things we've been through had only made me stronger and wiser. How Mateo has changed me in little ways is a blessing. How we have three gorgeous princesses we are blessed to be raising. Nd that tight family unit and bond, which no man can curse. We aren't lucky, but we are blessed to be under the power of God, who has made us the best we can be. At last I can say I'm really and truly happy.

|ik Ik Ik Ik Ik, all my viewers are saying what a short and rubbish ending, but I've been a little stressed lately and the book is way- too long so I had to find a quick ending to it. I shall be writing more soon(maybe). Oh and thanks for the reads, votes and comments. I love all of you, even those who hate on me, I love you and shall pray for you. This is the end to 'Soon to be...' And I hoped you liked my first ever book. I really to appreciate and give gratitude to those who always comment with positivity and say they love my book.

<<This book shall be updated very soon>>

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