{37}Dress shopping

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Today's the day I'm going dress shopping with Zillio. Yep, Zillio's back from Jamaica. From the past few days, she's been rambling on about how much she loved it there.

"Ky!" Zillio shouts my name, causing me to jump. I was in the middle of drinking a glass of water, so I little spilled on the floor.
"Whoops soz. I was wondering where you were." She smiled innocently.

"Ok, are you ready to go?" I asked and she gave me and ear to ear grin. So I'll take that as a yes then.


"Can I try on this one please?" I asked the woman who does the fittings.

"Of course dear." She smiled at me.
"This is one of our elegant pieces, also very expensive." Her voice changed then she said expensive. I didn't reply, I just followed her to the changing rooms.

She instructed me on how to put it on, before she fitted it on me.

"Are you nearly done?" Zillio huffed impatiently.

"Yeah." I slipped the tiara on. I drew the curtains and Zillio gasped.

"OMD Kyliah! You look... Absolutely gorgeous!" She wiped her teary eyes.

"It's not even the wedding yet and you're crying." I chuckled a little.

"Look at yourself in the mirror!" She wiped several more tears away.

I looked at myself in the long length mirror and was in Awe with myself.
She was right, I did look gorgeous.

"You see now?" She smirked and I nodded as I couldn't speak. I was breath taken.

"Excuse me, but would any of you like a glass of wine?" A young woman, who worked here, offered.

"Yes please" -Zillio.

"No thank you." I smiled and she was taken by it.

"Alrighty then. Does the dress fit? Do you want to make any changes?" She asked me.

"No thank you I love it!" And she smiled at my response.

Zillio insisted I brought three dresses; its traditional in this family to let the party last for two days. The first day is only close family and friends, so it's more of a personal thing. The second day is when worldwide celebrities and other famous people come and congratulate us. -well mainly Mateo, as they don't know me, other than being his 'spouse'.

"I bet a million dollars that Mateo will shed a tear." Zillio got in the car, after putting the dresses in the boot.

"I wouldn't bet if I were you." I smirked mischievously.

"Even if I won, you could've kept your money." She shrugged.

"I don't like betting on anything, regardless. Just in future okay?" I said to her, concerned, knowing she had been played for her money multiple of times.

"Yes mom." She laughed and I shook my head.

"Now bridesmaids and then we can go home. I'm actually missing the girls. I know I say how much I need a break, but not being around them is kinda hitting me." I start to get emotional, however I didn't cry.

"When are you due on period?" Zillio raise her eyebrow.

"I'm on it." I chuckled.

"Well that explains your funny business." He shook her head and laughed. Well I'm not the only big kid.

We went bridesmaids shopping and for all accessories. Luckily, we had bodyguards because we wouldn't have been able to carry all the stuff we'd brought.

Currently I was just cruising around town, picking out a few things.

"Excuse me." A thirteen year old girl addressed me.

"Hello." I say.

"Are you Kyliah Banks? The one who will be getting married to Mateo De'Luca?" She asked shyly. I looked around to see if I could spot Zillio, but nada.

"Yes why?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Please may I have your autograph?" She blushed, making her soft tan cheeks go bright cherry red.

"Okay." I was confused to as why she'd want my autograph, but I signed her note book she gave me. She gave me a wide grin and a tear ran down her face. She instantly ran back into some shop and I just 'awed'.
Before I knew it, a crowd of teenage girls come running out the shop and towards my direction. I walked off, trying to find the quickest back to the limousine.

I didn't even reach ten steps from when I signed the autograph, before I was in a middle of a crowd full of screaming girls. I couldn't really hear or see anything, because there was so many of them and how loud they were screaming in my ear.

A siren went off and the girls started to back off. Thank goodness. Bodyguards instantly caged around me, blocking me from the cameras and reporters who suddenly appeared from nowhere. They escorted me into the limo, where Zillio was. She was on her phone, with a serious face on. She looked a bit like Mateo then. But when she sensed my curious stare she smiled and locked off her phone.

"Mateo was wondering how much longer we were going to be and I just told him we're on our way." She told me, even though she didn't have to.

"But I wanted to stop at the new spicy restaurant." I pout, knowing I could get away with it, with her.

"Well we can't, restricted orders and the press is following us, so we have to loose them first. Plus Mateo also said he cooked" her phone goes off and she answered it.


"Bella!" Mateo picked me up and kissed me. Well he's in a good mood.

"What's up with you?" I asked smiling.

"Maybe because you've been gone for the whole day I've missed you. So I figured if I make a romantic dinner, I can enjoy my dessert for the rest of the night." He smirked.

"Deal, but can I take lead some point? Like last time." I was about to pout, but I remember what that lead to last time.

"No, because you're such a tease Bella. Plus I'm making love tonight, not fucking." He kissed my neck.

"Oh shoot! We can't do it, I'm on my monthly." I recalled. His glow of excitement left his body before a blink of my eye.

"Well that's a real let down. Can I be freaky and pleasure you instead?" He said boyishly.

"Nah my nigga, that is far across the line. Can you wait two days?" I put a streak of his hair behind his ear and pecked his lips.

"Of course baby girl, but papà is still going to show you my love for you, mi amour." The kiss got deep all of a sudden and I was really enjoying it, until there was a clearing of a throat.

When I saw it was I nearly collapsed.

|rubbish ending the chapter! Something interesting will happen shortly|

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