{28} Xaiver?

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The surprise party my mother organised for Kyliah and the twins, was wonderful. The family met the twins and fell in love with them. Kyliah had a great time connecting with the family more. However I couldn't stay for any longer. I needed to find Olinque and who she's working for. I need answers before I plan to end another's life.

I've already told Kyliah I was going out, but didn't say where and she didn't seemed bothered.

My men found the HQ she's working at and are going to do a secret attack. I went to Olinque's house and banged down the door. Yes, I was mad. How can she say shit about MY family. My wife and kids. -I don't care if Kyliah isn't married to me yet, she's my wife and my Queen.

"Hello mushy moo, I knew you wanted some of this.." She untied the pink robe she was wearing, exposing her befoul undernourished body. Suddenly, I felt as if someone was watching, but i looked around and saw no one.

I pushed her inside and shut the door. She was smirking, but not for long. I threw her against the wall, causing her to cry in pain when she had fallen. I don't like hitting women and never really have, but she needed to be gone. Honestly though, I should've got Zillio to do it, I know she would love to, but she's the better hacker. And I had a feeling Olinque isn't alone, so I wouldn't want my little sister to get hurt. How much I don't show my love for my sister, believe it or not, I love her as my own. I've always protected her, even if she didn't know it. It was always 'my big brother is the brother from hell', only because if she got bullied I used to always beat the shit out of them, however I was a dorky-looking kid. If I went to a normal school, I'd get bullied, I know, but I'd come back to my bullies and probably end their lives to.

"Why are you insulting my family?" I say calmly, but kick her in the stomach, making her cough up blood.

"W-what..y-you..t-talking..about?" She cried.

"Please don't act dumb, Olinque. Yes you have the looks, but you have the fake bitch attitude as well. Tell me who you're working for and I'll give you an easy death, or do it the hard way and I torture you now and let Zillio do the other half later. We both know she'll love it, so she'd make it extra painful." I smile, about to kick her in her face.

"Well making threats cousin?" Don't tell me it's really him.

"Alexander?" I turn around to see him leaning against the arch, with his arms crossed.

"That's right, she's working for me." He nodded as if it was simple.

"Why?" I was still shocked. We grew up together from diapers and we're always so tight together, but after his first wife died he kinda separated.

"Well, your father borrowed money from my father years ago, but the problem is, the money was supposed to be for my lifetime so I didn't have to work." I think that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard him say. "Joking. I done it because it's not fair for you to be happy and I'm on the Earth like a living ghost. We were like brothers once, so I figured how to make us the same again. Plus I'm making good money out of it, ruining your reputation." He chuckled.

Olinque was trying to escape the scene, but I yanked her by her hair and punched her in the face, not killing her yet. She was knocked out cold, with a heavy nose bleed. I wouldn't have be shocked if she drowned in her own blood, but for now I've got to out this other bitch.

"You're working for someone to." I sensed by his certain movements.

"No, I'm my own boss." He defends rather quickly, and why would he say it like that? Yup, he's hiding something.

"Okay, well this will be easy then." I grinned and he looked confused. I walked up to him and kissed his cheeks -my way of saying goodbye to a family member. And before you knew it, his neck is snapped and his lying there lifeless on the ground.

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