{5}Where am i?!

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~|Kyliah's pov|~

A soft scent of lavender trickled though my nose. I inhaled the lovely smell before feeling the softest fabric around me. I felt like I was on a cloud, even though in realty clouds are only made from steam which carries a lot of water let alone me on top. I opened my eyes slowly to see my vision blurred. I sit up from the bed I'm in and rub my eyes impatiently. I see everything in this room is white and and it went with the smell perfectly. Wait where am I!?!

I jumped out of this king sized bed and started to go all dizzy. I hear the door creak open and before I know it I'm falling on the ground, however I didn't feel myself on the floor. Instead ended up in a pair of big arms.

"That was close, are you okay ms?" The male put me down on the bed.

"No! Actually move out my way, I shouldn't be here" I stand back up regaining myself.

"Uh miss I don't think you should go downstairs just yet!" The guy chases after me. "Kyliah wait!" He shouts causing me to stop halfway down the cathedral-like staircase. As I turn around I see a big group of people looking at me, but I didn't get time to see who they all were. I stomped back upstairs and walked straight up to the guy dressed in black, with dark green eyes.

"How. Do. You. Know. My. Name?" I say sternly and slowly.

"Uh..-" he started thinking for an excuse.


"Don't even bother lying to me big guy." I say, as he rubbed his now red cheek.

"We just do. You're under protection and Zillio must've told you, so we have to know your name." He looked down at his feet, not explaining everything.

"How did Zillio get my name?" I turn my head to the side.

"Search and documents." He answered, till looking down.

"Why?" I ask.

"Do you always interrogate people like this?" I hear a female say, which sounded a lot like Zillio's voice. I turned to her and shot her daggers.

"Where am I Zillio?" I questioned.

"Answer the question Kyliah." She shot them back, making me a bit mad.

"Why should I answer a question when my first question hasn't been answered?" I say.

"Well like I said in the limo you're going to safety and you're in safety, now why trying to question me?" She said. Oh I see where this is going, fire with fire.

"I wasn't trying to question you in particular, I was asking where am I. This doesn't seem like safety, it seems like I'm in a total stranger's mansion. Anyways I'll be alright on my own so I'm leaving." I walked past Zillio only for her to grab me by my arm.
"Bitch please get off me before I flip." I say calmly, but angrily.

"Uno, I'm not a bitch and due, calm yourself Chica or else I'll get messy. You don't wanna mess with someone who's nice because she's been raised mostly around men." She said getting brave.

"Well you you know what princess? So have I so fire and fire. If you're not such a bitch why holding onto me?" I turn towards her taking her manicured hands off me.

"For your own good. There's people down there you're not ready to see yet" she said.

"I don't want to see people I want to get the heck outta here!" I almost growl. She takes a step closer to me as I do the same. Once we're eye to eye a pair of arm wrap around her as the same happens to me. We try to wiggle and get out of their grip, until there was a clearing of a throat. Everyone stopped everything and all eyes went to the only guy in a gold and black suit. He had sunglasses on and long hair by the looks of it because it was in a man bun. Through his suit you could see his bulging muscles everywhere and man be looked intimating as hell.

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