{4}Work misunderstandings

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~|Kyliah's pov|~

I wore my light grey dungarees, a white long sleeve crop top, grey scarf and my white DMs. I decided to have my hair out in its lion-looking mane. I put a little bit of makeup on and grabbed my apartment keys and left. I caught a cab to my work place and walked through angrily.

"Hi Kyliah, nice to see you back!" Mrs. Berry said. She was an ever so friendly neighbour of mine, who helped me get this job. However I wasn't in the mood so I kinda ignored we greeting. I know it was rude, but i will apologise.

I opened Mr. Cosniks office and slammed it shut, all he don't was look up at me and look back down at his work.

"Why am I fired?" I said calmly, not wanting to let a tear out. I like this job it helps pay bills and gives you really good wages.

"Why are you just barging through my office?" He ignores my question.

"Because I don't understand why you're firing me without an explanation, so tell me." I say firmly.

"I don't have to" he says childishly.

"I didn't say you did, I wanted to know why?" I say getting a bit hot.

"Well.. Actually forget this you're fired because you're a rude son of a bitch who tries to act like a boss when you're not. Lack of work and thinking you can boss everyone around, well you can't!" He shouts. Well what a miss change, but he does have bipolar. I don't get how he passed College at the way he acts sometimes.

"No I don't and you know I work hard." I tell him.

"Well sorry to interrupt but baby-.. What is she doing here?" Lisa said. His personal assistant who doesn't get along with me.

"I'm just getting rid of her now sweetheart, hold on" he blew a kiss to her and she winked, but frowned at me.

"Naw I wanna watch" she 'tried' to do puppy dog eyes. In reality she looked like half rat and half dog -with all that saggy skin. Nah I think I'm feeling sorry for all the ugly looking animals outta there.

"She's so cute-" naw this nigga did not just say that. Only if i was two I'd get away with wetting myself -"anyways that's not the point, you're fired so get the fuck out my office!!" She shouted in my face. He kept walking closer and closer, but I didn't move.

"Move from my man!" Lisa whines.

"For fuck sake! Am I the one moving though? Anyways I bet you only fired me for her, watch when you start missing me." I laugh and turn on my heels.

"Honestly I did fire you for Lisa, we are having a baby and you stress out her too much, so I need you gone. So go!" He shouts in the background. I walked out the place annoyed, but I wasn't really that angry. I just knew something wasn't quiet right. I knew John, he normally explained himself well, but he was a bit mixed up just now. Anyways I better start hunting for another job.

I went to the Asian Cafe and ordered a Hot Chocolate. I was searching for jobs online on my newest iPhone. I heard the hosts on the talk show say something about the wealthiest business owner in Italy coming to our town.

"Well Zion, apparently Mr. De Luca the finest and wealthiest business owner is coming to Florida."

"Why do you think that is Lini?

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